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"Merry Christmas monkey"
Heather Flores
December 25th, Christmas Day

I took Shawn and Luna home last night. Luna had fallen asleep on the way home but Shawn couldn't stop saying thanks, he kept saying how overwhelmed he was and it brought me so much joy seeing him happy like that.

"Mummy!" Luna yells jumping on top of my body. "Daddy wake up! We have to go see if Santa came" she yells jumping on to Shawn's bare chest making him groan. He opens his eyes then picks up Luna putting her between us.

"Go back to sleep darling" he kisses her cheek then closes her eyes. She looks up at me then pouts "Mummy please".

"Go down love, me and daddy will be there in a minute" I tell her and she smiles with a nod. "Merry Christmas baby" I kiss her cheek and she repeats my words and actions then runs out.

"Merry Christmas my love" I sit up and straddle Shawn's body then lean down kissing his nose. " wake up" I shake his body even though I knew he was awake. "Only if you're wearing sexy lingerie" he smirks with his yes still closed.

"I am open your eyes" I press my chest against his and he open his eyes. "Liar" he pouts looking down to see I'm dressed in his jumper.

"Come down stairs then I'll wear some tonight for you" I lean down and peck his lips. "Promise?"

"I promise, now come on" I get off of him and and slide some Christmas themed pyjama shorts on and I go downstairs seeing Luna sat by the tree waiting patiently and soon I feel Shawn's arms around me.

"Should we open the presents?" I ask him. "Luna can open hers then we'll do ours tonight when mum comes" he tells me then walks over picking up Luna.

"Merry Christmas monkey" he lifts her in the air then brings her back down kissing her forehead. "Merry Christmas daddy" she giggles then places her small hands on his face.

Luna got to opening gifts, Shawn was sat on the floor with his legs out and I sat in between them resting my back against his chest and Luna sat in front me ripping the wrapping paper to shreds and me and Shawn occasionally helped.

We both got her some ballet training shoes, tutus, a ballerina doll and a bunch of other toys. She came running up to me and fell in to my body giving me a hug and Shawn wrapped his arms around both of us. "Thank you" she kisses my lips and Shawn's making us both smile.

Soon Shawn's family had arrived, we all got changed and I was now wearing a wine coloured dress and Shawn decided to match with a similar colour shirt and black jeans and Luna had a reindeer onesie on that she refused to take off.

Shawn helped me set up the table, we had to order a new one to fit everyone on and it looked amazing. We had candles going down the middle with silver decor around the table.

I spent all morning cooking the food and it all went down well and Karen brought dessert, chocolate brownies, cake and I supplied the ice cream. We had just finished eating and now retired to sit in the living room, me and Shawn sat on the floor like before.

Everything was amazing, the vibe of Christmas was definitely here.

"So Shawn what did you get her?" Karen asks Shawn. "Oh crap I almost forgot to give it to you. It's the one with the red wrapping" he points, I crawl over grabbing it and also grab Shawn's gift.

"This is yours" I hand him the two boxes. "You didn't have to after what you did yesterday" he tells me. "It's okay you deserve it, now you open yours first" I put the boxes on his lap and move back a little so I could watch him open them.

His face lit up when he saw the coffee machine, he'd been wanting one for a while. "God you're amazing Heather" he pulls me forward pecking my lips then opens the other and his jaw drops.

"Why did you spend so much on me?" He pouts taking out the all black Gucci slim fitted watch. "Because I wanted to" I take the watch of off him and put it on him. "Perfect" I smile looking up at him.

He pulls me closer and kisses my lips shortly as his family was there. "You're so lucky to have her Shawn" Manny says and Karen agrees with him.

"I am lucky" he looks down then winks at me. "Heather open yours now!" Aaliyah exclaims.

I sit back and rest against Shawn's chest and take the box. I rip the paper off revealing a black box. I take the lid off and move the tissue paper.

"Holy shit" I gasp. I hold up two tickets for the Cinderella ballet in New York and another invitation letter for the Four Seasons hotel in New York.

I lean back and pull him down giving him a sweet kiss. "Thank you" I kiss his lips again. "It's okay, I'm glad you like it. We're going on January 10th for a week" he says.

I nod then put the box to the side. "That was so cute" Aaliyah says looking at the Polaroid's she had been taking. "Can I see them?" I ask her and she hands over five polaroids.

One where Shawn is looking down at me smiling. Then I'm looking up at him. One where we share a kiss. Another when he's opening his gifts and the last one was from this morning, Shawn was holding Luna and had an arm around my waist.

"I'm glad that Polaroid came in handy" I say to Aaliyah. "Yeah I love it, thank you so much. It's so much better than Shawn's gift" she says making everyone laugh.

"Hey you asked for those makeup thingys" he pouts playfully. "And thank you Heather for the gifts they were more than generous" Karen smiles at me and manny does too.

I felt so loved and cared for and I hope Shawn did too, this was all amazing and I couldn't have wished for a better people in my life.

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