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"You're alright I guess"
Heather Flores

I slept again at Shawn's and I thank Spence for packing extra clothes for me. We spent the rest of the evening colouring with Luna then we watched Shrek. She later fell asleep, her adorable cheeks smushed up to Shawn's arms. It was so cute how Shawn tucked her in, wishing her sweet dreams and a kiss on the forehead.

We then sat together, he told me more about his company and family. We also talked about my job, the stress that comes with it. I can't believe I'm saying this but we also made out. He picked me up so I was straddling him and he kissed me, a long passionate kiss that I will probably never forget.

"Feather can you reach the candy for me" Luna pouts. I nod walking in to the kitchen with her as she holds my hand. Shawn was in the shower so it was just me and Luna.

"Daddy said I can't have the bears but they're my best" I hold in my laugh looking down at her.

"I'll give you three but don't tell him okay" she nods smiling at me as I hand her three gummy bears and take three for myself. I pick her up putting her on the counter and we eat them together.

"What are you girls doing?" Shawn asks walking in, I turn seeing him in a white tee and Nike sweat pants, damn this boy.

"Done staring?" He chuckles leaning against the counter next to Luna. I shake my head looking away knowing my cheeks are heating up.

"Feather" Luna whispers. "The gummy's" she giggles. "What gummy's?" Shawn asks.

Luna giggles hugging me burying her face in my chest. I bring a hand up running it through her brown curls. "Nothing" I tell Shawn.

"Okay I'll pretend like I don't know that you and Luna just ate the gummy bears" he chuckles. I laugh looking down at Luna, her small hands on my arms and she now looks up at me giving me a cheesy smile.

"I like your hair" she says stroking the ends of my brown hair. "Thanks I like yours" I tell her wrapping a curl around my finger. I feel Shawn stare at me but I don't look up.

"Why are you staring?" I ask. He clears his throat taking Luna from my arms. "Luna honey can you go find your purple tutu let's show Heather" he puts her down. She nods eagerly then runs away.

As soon as she's out of sight Shawn pulls me by my waist his lips meeting mine. He turns our bodies and lifts me up on the counter as he holds my thighs kissing deeper.

He pulls back biting my bottom lip then let's go. "You're so beautiful" he kisses down my neck making me tilt my head back as I clutch on to his damp curls. He looks up pressing his forehead against mine. "You and Luna get along so well, she really loves having you around" Shawn tells me.

I don't know why but I feel the same extent of happiness I felt when he told me he liked me. It's like I got a stamp of approval, his daughter, his love likes me. It makes me feel better like I have a better connection with him now.

"I love her, she's the most amazing little girl I've ever met" I might be biased but it was the truth. "Hey what about me?" He teases, his eyes shining.

"You're alright I guess" I shrug trying to hide my smile. "Honestly?" His voice changes to more a serious tone.

"I really do like you Shawn, I don't let many people in but somehow you've won me over. You're good looks and charm made me head over heels for you". A warm smile is placed on his lips.

"Well you can trust in me" he leans in kissing me gently.

"Daddy I found it!" Luna yells walking in making Shawn pull back quickly.

"Wait I want a kiss" she pouts dropping her tutu to the floor. Shawn looks at me the down at Luna picking her up pressing his lips to her cheek. "No from Heather!" She giggles reaching her arms out to me.

I laugh hoping off the counter holding her in my arms. She pouts her lips and I do the same kissing her. "What about Daddy?" Shawn pouts.

I whisper in Luna's ear and she nods eagerly. I move closer to Shawn and we both peck his cheeks making his smile larger. "Happy?" I ask.

"Very" he winks at me.
"I'll come pick you up in the morning, text me" Shawn stands in front of me at my doorstep. "Okay, thanks for this" I put my hands on his shoulders.

"It's okay, I'll be your chauffeur until you sort out your car. Seriously anywhere you wanna go call me" I nod looking into his warm eyes.

"Good night" I lean up kissing his lips for a short few seconds, his lips leave me slowly and we both breath out in bliss. "Sweet dreams babe" he kisses my forehead. My body getting warm as he calls me 'babe' for the first time.

His hands linger at my waist for a while as we just look in to each other's eyes. "You should go, Luna is sleeping in your car" I laugh.

He nods pecking my lips once more then he leaves getting in his car. I stand there watching him leave and give a small wave.

It wasn't till I stepped inside my house that I realised I loved him and Luna being around me.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now