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Hotel visuals

Hotel visuals

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"And my love for you"
Heather Flores

"Open the door" Shawn tells me as we stand outside the oak door, he had gotten the suite on the top floor and I couldn't begin to imagine how lavish it was going to be.

I open the door using our card and my eyes widen at the room. "This is so beautiful" I whisper. There were roses petals all over the bed and bouquets of sunflowers dotted around the room which made it personal.

We drop our bags in the entrance and I walk further sitting on the window seat that gave an overlook of New York, Shawn stands in front of me and I look up at him.

"Thank you, this is all amazing" I take his hand in mine. "You deserve the best" he leans down kissing my forehead. I stand up and usher him to sit down, I slip of my coat then straddle his thighs. I help him take off his jacket then I play with strings of his jumper. I use them to pull him forward and his lips meet mine.

We've kissed many times before, the most special was the first time, then in Paris and now. He was kissing me gently, using his hand to move me along with him. His lips were sweet and plump which added to the sensation.

I pull back and take the hem of my sweater pulling it off. Shawn's hands immediately run over my bare body and he feels up to my burgundy bralette twisting the straps, he pulls them down then kisses down my chest, sucking on my skin.

My hands find their way to his hair and I tug on his curls pulling him up. I help him take his black polo top off then I fiddle with his belt as he kisses me slowly.

"I love you" he mumbles against my lips then lifts me up to push my skirt up to my hips and he pulls my underwear down. "I love you" I tell him back feeling his hands run down my back.

"Thanks" Shawn thanks the room service team and then he wheels in a cart of food to the side of the bed. He grabs the champagne and two flutes and sits beside me pulling me on to his lap where I sit side ways. I grab the glasses and he fills them up.

"To us" he toasts. "And my love for you"

"And my love for you" we both drink then I pull him in for a kiss. "I could kiss you all night and day" he chuckles pecking my lips again then he pulls backs but I could still feel his breath on mine.

I trace a finger down his sculpted jaw. I seriously don't know how I keep it all together around him, he's undeniably handsome.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask him. "helicopter ride in the afternoon" he says. "Wow, I don't know if you know if you know this but I am terrified of heights" I admit.

"And also you didn't need to do all this, I would've happily stayed with you here all day in bed" I kiss his nose. "Well I would to" he chuckles. "But it's going to be amazing, I had it scheduled for sunset".

"I'm scared but I'm sure it'll be worth it" I grin then take another sip of my champagne.

"Then the day after that we can just relax and look around the hotel, they have a indoor pool, private jacuzzi, spa and a bunch of other things. Then the fourteenth is when we see the ballet, doors open at six so we can have dinner before then come back here after" he explains and I nod showing that I'm listening.

Our one year anniversary was on the day of the ballet should I get him something? Or are we celebrating? Are we not? Did he forget? Am I loosing my mind? Or maybe-

"Heather" his voice snaps me out of my daze and I look down at him. "Should we eat now? I'm kinda hungry" he chuckles. I nod then get off his lap. "What did you order?" I ask him.

"I asked for the most Greek thing they served and they said they didn't so I made a special request" he grins. I take the silver dome away from the plate. "Omg I love Moussaka" I squeal grabbing a fork.

"The chef said it's like casserole" Shawn says grabbing a fork and eating with me. "It is except it's got more egg plant in it and the potatoes are more creamy" I hum in satisfaction as I take a bite.

"It's so good" I tell Shawn then feed him. "Holy  shit this amazing" he gasps and I laugh feeding him some more.

We spent the rest of the afternoon eating and drinking champagne. We even had a bath together which was more than peaceful, Shawn had lit up some candles and put bubbles, petals and rose scent in the bath. He also gave me a massage then I leaned back in to his body and we looked out to the view of New York.

I couldn't possibly explain my feelings, they were too dream like. Like the love I had for Shawn was straight out of a book.

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