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"I need the energy before I go into that room"
Heather Flores

Tuesday 2nd March
It's now been five weeks. I go to work, Spence and Paige sleep at mine on Tuesdays, I have busy days at work, my dad still hasn't talked to me properly.

Then there's Shawn, we get coffee every Thursday morning, I go to his work after I finish mostly on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. He comes around on Sunday's, me and Luna always bake and we end up watching a film. He's stayed over only twice but in the guest room.

I feel happy for once, like work isn't my only priority but then again I don't feel like that. My dad treats me like an employee not a daughter. My heart and soul is fully invested in work but just last week Ness said something to me, 'you look happy heather' and I felt good.

Now it's Thursday and I've just finished up, I walk to my dads office placing the paper work on his desk. "Where's the details on Benjamin Moore's op?" he asks.

"I don't know, that wasn't my op it was David's" I reply about to walk off. "Heather you're slacking" he mumbles.

I breathe in deeply. "I'm not slacking. If you started to actually pay attention to me you'd realise I do more than expected all the time and maybe you should actually look at me as your daughter for once" my voice stern. This felt good.

He takes his glasses off looking up at me. "This is your job Heather and I'm your boss and have the paperwork done by Monday" he gets back to his laptop like everything I just said didn't sink in. "Do it yourself" I spit slamming the door walking out.

I speed walk to my car throwing all my stuff in the passenger seat. I drive to the nearest coffee shop grabbing coffees, for me and Shawn.

It's like when I see him all these small petty things disappear.

I finally make it to his building and walk in smiling to the secretary. "Go straight through" he smiles, I nod placing the coffees on the desk. "Im just grabbing something from the vending machine" I smile walking over to it putting in my money and collecting the snacks me and Shawn always get.

I feel someone tap my shoulder making me turn around. "Excuse me do you know where Shawn's office is?" The blonde asks me.

"Yeah I'm going up, is there anything you want me to pass on" I smile at her. "Oh I'll go up myself, don't want anyone hearing what we're doing" she winks and I feel myself about to throw up.

"Oh, top floor" I say and she nods. "Will you give him this coffee please" I run over to the coffee giving it her. "Sure, Ugh I so need this" she takes a sip of it. "I need the energy before I go into that room" I see a smirk pull on her lips.

"Right, well I'm going to go now" I take my coffee about to walk away. "Its Chloe by the way and bye" she squeaks making me cringe as I walk away. I hear her heels click on the floor as she walks away, I turn around seeing her putting the coffee in the bin, she pulls her skirt higher and ruffles her hair before entering the elevator.

I feel a knot in my throat, I run to the nearest bin and throw up my break fast bar and like five cups of coffee I had today. Groaning, I wipe my my mouth sitting in my car, John Mayer begins playing making me think about Shawn. I turn off the music and begin my drive home.

All I thought about was him, I thought something was happening between us, I know we haven't kissed or done anything but I still thought we were going somewhere. My thoughts were clouded with the thoughts of him and that girl.

Would he really do something like that? Or am I making it seem worse than it actually is?

My heart thumps picturing his hands in her blonde hair. My vision blurs with tears, I barely make out the lights ahead of me, I couldn't tell if they were coming towards me or not.

I grip the steering wheel and brace myself breathing in deeply, I feel the car jolt forward, my tears drip down my face and my eyes slowly flutter shut.

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