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Sequel- Part 3

"You can't change my mind Heather"

"Cole stop doing that" Shawn tells off Cole. Cole runs over to Heather getting of his seat. "Mummy can I sit here" he asks.

Heather looked up from Eli facing Cole. "Baby can you please just sit down, then when Eli falls asleep I'll come sit with you Okay" she tells him. He pouts then walks away.

Shawn takes Eli from Heathers arms cradling his body in his arms trying to make him fall asleep.

The family were on a private plane to New York, it was late and everyone was tired.

Heather sighs then leans against Shawn's shoulder taking one of his hands in hers. "Go to sleep darling" he says gently. "I can't" she laughs.

"Why not?" He asks. "You know I can't sleep on planes" she says sighing. "I know babe" he kisses the top of her head. He looks down at Eli thanking the gods he had fallen asleep.

"Shawn" she hums. "Yes Heather?"

"I love you" she yawns. "I love you more" he smiles. He puts Eli down on the chair next to him surrounding him with blankets then puts the arm rest up between him and Heather pulling her into his body.

She looks up at him then kisses his lips. "Don't stop" he tells her taking her face in his hands kissing her deeper. Their tongues playing with each other. "Wait a minute" she whispers pulling back. Heather stands up looking around seeing all the kids had fallen asleep, she goes around putting blankets over them then she returns to Shawn feeling giddy.

"They're sleeping, so be quiet" she whispers sitting on one of his thighs leaning down and capturing his lips in a heated kiss.

Her hands fumble with his belt then she slips her hands into his boxers. "You can't do this to me" he whispers. "I can" She giggles moving her hand to his member making him move her closer so he could suck on to her skin to quieten himself down.

Shawn was holding Luna's hand and was holding Eli's carrier in his other hand whilst Heather went to the reception with Rhys and Cole following her to get the room card.

She quickly returns and Shawn follows her. They were staying at the four seasons hotel, a large suite with three rooms. They made it up there and Heather let Luna, Cole and Rhys go in first.

Shawn places hand on the small of her back following her inside.

"Thank you" she turns around to Shawn kissing his cheek when she sees the dozen sunflowers everywhere, something he always did. "Anything for you" He smirks.

Heather smiles up at him then turns around placing their bags on the floor and she follows Luna seeing the boys were in bed.

"Come here Cole and Rhys, get changed then go to bed" Heather tells them taking out their pyjamas from the suitcase.

She gets the boys and Luna changed then goes over to Eli seeing he was sleeping peacefully. She put him in the other room surrounding him with pillows and Luna gets in the other side.

"Good night mummy" Luna says. "Good night Luna" Heather leans down kissing her forehead then she leaves the room turning off the lights and leaving the door a little open.

She walks over to the other room seeing Shawn was having a tickle fight with the boys making them laugh loudly. They all stop when they see Heather, scrambling into bed.

Heather laughs to herself then wishes them a goodnight and Shawn does the same then they leave the room.

As soon as they leave Shawn grabs heathers body pushing her down on to the bed making her squeal. He climbs over her kissing down her chest. "Shawn" she giggles, his curly hair ticking her skin.

He kisses all over her face and her body. "Shawn my love please" she giggles holding his face in her hands. "What do you want baby?" He asks taking her hand kissing her knuckles.

"I want us to be in our pyjamas and in bed" she giggles rolling out from under Shawn. "Okay, whatever you want" he smiles. He gets up and watches her get changed into a silk camisole and matching blue shorts. Shawn takes his shirt off and puts on some shorts getting in bed beside Heather.

She faces him and Shawn wraps his arms around her body pulling her in and their legs tangle with each other.

"You're so handsome" she tells him using her finger to trace his jaw. "And you're so incredibly beautiful Mrs Mendes" He smirks down at her.

"I think you've gotten even prettier from when I first saw you at the hospital" he tells her squeezing her sides. "That's impossible, I've changed since I've had the boys" she pouts.

"You can't change my mind Heather, you're the prettiest woman I've ever set my eyes on" he says pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"It still blows my mind sometimes. I wake up to the sound of our children and to my husband sleeping beside me. Living in our dream home, it's so unreal" Heather sighs in bliss.

"I love you, you know" Shawn says. "Like you're my love. Mine only" she looks up at him with a grin. "And you're mine" she giggles kissing his lips gently.

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