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*smut warning, near the end, nothing too extreme*
"You're not wearing any now?
Shawn Mendes

Jack and Darren went to the bar to get drinks and Heather turned to me placing a hand on my thigh. "You look so good" she smiles at me. I pull her closer kissing her lips gently. "And you look so beautiful, I've never seen you like this" I tell her running a hand down her arm then feeling around the lace at her hip.

She puts her legs over my right thigh and moves closer. I put a hand on her thigh rubbing up and down as she began talking to Spence and Matt. God she looked so amazing, it was kind of dark but the spotlights hit her beauty.

"Here we go" Darren shouts placing the tray of shots int he middle of the table. Everyone grabs one and Heather leans forward taking two handing me one.

She clinks our glasses then takes the shot, I take it with ease but because she was such a small girl and only drank wine occasionally her face scrunched up, I hold up the lime to her lips and she sucks on it quickly making some of the juice fall down her lips. I move the lime and swipe her lips with my thumb, putting my thumb to my lip.

She quickly takes my hand putting my thumb up to her lips softly sucking. She then brings her lips to mine. Indulging in a wet sloppy kiss.

"I like this" I mumble in to the kiss. "This is a different side to you" I tell her pulling back.

She giggles taking my hand putting it on her thigh. "When I drink I go all out, that's why I don't drink so often. So I really let loose" she shouts near my ear over the music, her lips brushing my skin.

Her lips kiss near my ear and she moves down and begin sucking on my skin. I squeeze her thigh when she begins using her teeth gently to nibble my skin.

"Heather!" Paige squeals making Heather stop and look up. "I love when you drink, you become a new person" Paige says grabbing a shot and giving one to Heather. They both take a shot together and Heather already becomes kinda tipsy.

"Hey Heather" Scott calls. She looks over, a goofy smile on her lips. "Wanna dance?" He asks. I feel my jaw clench, can he not see she's with me.

"You know what I do" she says sitting up moving her legs from my thighs. She better not go with him.

"I so wanna dance" she giggles. "What are you waiting for then?" He winks. Oh shit I'm about to punch this guy.

She turns to me and places a hand on my jaw. "Let's dance babe" she kisses my cheek making my jaw unclench. She gets up taking my hand.

"What?" Scott asks. "I said I wanna dance but with my boyfriend silly" she laughs ruffling his hair up. She turns around leading me to the dance floor surrounded by sweaty bodies.

She puts her arms around my neck and begins swaying along with the beat.

I put my hands on her hips and move with her but I mainly watch her body. She moves closer to me and pushes her lips against mine, her tongue immediately fighting with mine.

She hums squeezing my shoulders then turns around pressing herself on to me. Her arms go in the air and she leans her head back on my shoulder. I begin kissing down her neck and put my arm around her waist so she stays against me. She moans in to my ear and begins moving her hips gently, she's driving me crazy.

"I'm going to the bathroom hun" she kisses my cheek. "I'll go sit down, then we're carrying this on" I tell her nibbling on her ear.

"Check your pocket babe" she winks then walks away.

I go to the side and shove my hand in my pocket, no she didn't. I feel the thin lace and look in my pocket not wanting to pull them out if it is what I think it is. I look seeing a pair of red lace underwear.

I get hot just imagining her wearing them, she's not as innocent as I thought. She soon returns sitting on my lap.

"You're not wearing any now?" I whisper in her ear setting her down next to me so her legs are covered by the table, everyone else had gone to dance.

"Find out" she whispers in my ear, her hot breath on my skin. I put a hand on her inner thigh rubbing small circles with my thumb.

"Go on" She tells me and practically starts making out with neck. I push my hand further up her skirt and a small whimper escapes her lips when my hand meets her heat.

"Oh god" I move my hand and pull her up leading her out the crowd quickly calling a taxi. "What happened?" She asks completely confused. "I want you now" I tell her sternly kissing her lips roughly.

The taxi pulls up and we scurry in, She tells her address and after ten minutes of just touching her thigh and slightly higher we arrive to her house.

She quickly unlocks the door and pulls me inside. I begin kissing down her neck. "Upstairs" she mumbles. I grab her hand pulling her upstairs to her bedroom.

She lays down in front of me and I climb over her after taking my shirt off. Her hands run down my abs and she begins fiddling with my belt.

I shake my head and flip her around to undo the zip, she turns back around and takes her top off exposing her to me. "You're so gorgeous" I mumble against her skin kissing down her breasts. "Can I carry on?" I ask. She nods leaning down to kiss my lips.

I pull her skirt down and take my pants and boxers off going back between her legs. "Shawn" she calls pulling gently at my hair.

I look up and she smiles down at me. "Go slow" she says. I nod lining up with her and begin thrusting gently feeling all of her. "You okay love?" I put my hand on her back.

Instead of replying she moans loudly and holds my arms tighter. I go up and kiss her lips gently as my hands stay at her waist.

"I love you" I say, the words leaving my lips naturally, then lean back down kissing her lips again. "I love you more" she says back making my heart explode. She loves me.
After a long session of making love to her I flop down beside her, my sweaty body holding her small frame. "I really love you Heather" I kiss her forehead.

"I love you Shawn" she smiles weakly then turns around snuggling up to my chest where she falls asleep peacefully.

Well fuck, I love them.
How is this so far? X

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