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"I'm sorry if this goes to shit I'm a little rusty"
Shawn Mendes
December 24th, Christmas Eve

We were at my parents house and we've been here since last night. My mother insisted that since we're doing Christmas Day at mine we should do the eve part at home.

It was now half five in the afternoon and Luna had gone for a nap with my dad, I see where she gets the ability to sleep anywhere from.

"Where's Heather?" I ask Aaliyah and on cue Heather walks in but she had changed out of her pyjamas to black leggings, my Balenciaga hoodie and she had her shoes and a coat on.

"Where are you going?" I ask her. "You mean we" she grins. "Will you go get ready please" she asks me batting her long lashes at me.

"Yeah sure but where are we going?" I ask her getting up. "Somewhere and don't ask Aaliyah she's not telling you" Heather looks at Aaliyah and she nods. "Okay, so casual?" I ask earning a nod.

I quickly get changed, black jeans, Tommy Hilfiger crew neck and of course my shoes and coat. "I'm ready" I announce walking in to the living.

"Oh Heather does he know yet?" My mum asks Heather and she shakes her head no. "Well have fun" my mum grins.

"Where are we going?" I ask again but she stays silent. "Mum?" I ask. "Not telling you now go" she ushers me outside.

I take heathers hand and she leads us to her car where we both get in. "Okay this is extremely cheesy and you might get weirded out but can I put this blindfold on you?" She asks an innocent smile on her face. "Erm sure but babe if we're going all fifty shades-"

"We're not doing that" she shoves my arm playfully. I chuckle then turn around and she puts the blind fold on me then I sit back. "We can do it when we're home" she whispers in my ear then kisses my cheek. "Fuck Heather"


"Okay just walk forward I'm right next to you" Heather tells me. I know it took us about half an hour to get here and now we're inside, I just don't know where. "You're going to sit down now" she says then takes my hand. I go back a bit and fall in to a plush chair making her laugh.

"I'm gonna leave for like a minute but don't be scared and don't take your blind fold off" she kisses my cheek then I hear her footsteps getting further away.

I hear fidgeting but I couldn't make out what it was completely then Heathers footsteps where back. "Okay I'm back" she says then I'm assuming she sits next to me. She takes my hand then I feel her lean over.

"This is your early Christmas gift and I love you" she says. She presses her lips against mine and takes off the blind fold but my eyes were still shut as she kissed me. She finally pulled back and moved away.

"We're in a theatre?" I ask looking around in front of me seeing a large screen and red velvet curtains at the ends of the stage.

She hums a yes. "Okay lights off and start the video!" She yells and that's what happened.

My hand stays laced with hers and the video starts and I swear I was about to cry but I held it in.

It was a recollection of everything I had accomplished from the begging of my career. From the first time I performed to the last, my first tour then my last, my first award then my last. My first time meeting my fans and idols, all my accomplishments. Then the first day I held Luna and everything we had done till now together. Then my time with Heather, videos of us dancing around and smiling at each other. It all had this vintage effect which was also a nice touch.

The video ended then I realised I was crying. "No I didn't mean for you to cry" Heather says wiping my tears with her thumbs. "It's happy crying" I reassure her.

"I erm invited some people" she tells me. I turn around and see my old band, Josiah taking pictures of all of this, people I had worked with and my family. I got up and began laughing with joy.

"Now you're going to perform" she tells me walking towards me holding a Gibson Custom guitar, it probably cost her a fortune.

"I- I don't know what to say" I mumble taking the guitar in my hands, for the first time in a while. "Just go play and have fun" she smiles then kisses my cheek.

I get up on the stage and hug the band, all who I haven't seen in a while. I put on my guitar and adjust the mic. I look around seeing around fifty people here but I could only keep my eyes on Heather.

"I'm sorry if this goes to shit I'm a little rusty" I say making everyone laugh.

Everyone watched, sang along and clapped as I sang a few of my favourite songs I had written myself. I was overwhelmed and completely filled with joy, the feeling was amazing. I got off the stage and immediately ran up to Heather and took her in my arms twirling her around.

"Thank you so much for this" I thank her still holding her up. "It's okay, I know how much you missed it and this was honestly a treat listening to you sing and laugh" She nudges her nose against mine.

"I'm so grateful for you and I can't thank you enough" I kiss her lips, filling it with passion and love.

She then pulls back and I let her down. "Go meet everyone and say thank you to Andrew he helped me too" she says then let's me go.

"I haven't seen some of these people in a while" I say looking around. "You'll be fine, they're here because they want to be" She reassures me. "Come with me then, you need to meet the people who helped me become who I am today" I kiss her cheek and she nods.

"I love you Heather and my gift literally looks like shit compared to what you did for me" I tell her honestly. "I love you more Shawn Mendes and I couldn't care less, as long as you're happy" she leans up and kisses my nose

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