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"we can watch Moana when we get home"
Shawn Mendes

"Luna baby stop running around" I tell her off not taking my eyes off my laptop. "But daddy, look I can run from that one to here" she points to the far end of the room.

"I know darling, I'm just trying to concentrate" I say scribbling down some notes. She comes up to me climbing on my lap. "What's co-sen-rat" she asks me, I laugh looking down at her.

"I need to focus, this is important remember" I say tucking her fallen hair from her bun behind her ear. I take her to work with me everyday and I will until she starts school which won't be until next year.

"Can I go colour with Aunty Kelly?" She bats her long eyelashes at me making her eyes big. "Yeah, ask her to bring daddy some coffee" I give her a kiss on her forehead and she hops down running away to my secretary Kelly.

I watch her through the glass making sure that she's with Kelly before I look away again. I grab my phone doing what I've been doing for the last four days. I hover my thumb over Heather contact wondering if I should call or not. Maybe she doesn't even remember me.

"Daddy I can't I find the lellow" Luna shouts walking in. "I don't know where it is" I say, she climbs on to the chair opposite me looking over the desk. "Daddy can I go on your phone" she asks me. I quickly pass her my phone wanting her to be quiet so I could concentrate.

I watch her discreetly, she sits back holding my phone in both her hands shaking her foot, a habit she's always had. "Daddy where my game?" She pouts putting my phone on the desk.

"Let me see" I grab my phone and my heart stops beating. "Luna what am I going to do with you" I mumble seeing she's rang Heather.

"Is it there? The minion game" she runs over to my side looking over my arm.

I see she answered the phone, I quickly put it up to my ear. "Hello?" Her sweet voice.

"Hello who is this?" She asks again. "Hi it's Shawn, sorry erm-"

"Oh hi Shawn, how are you?" She asks me making my hands clammy. "Oh I'm good, Luna was on my phone and she rang you. I'm sorry if you were busy" I rub my forehead leaning back on my chair. Luna holds on to my arm climbing up on my lap.

"No I'm not busy, I'm on a break" her voice sounds tired. "You sound tired" I laugh playing with Luna's hair.

"I am" She lets out. "How's Luna?"

"She's good, she's say right here with me" I smile looking down at her. "She is huh? Can I talk to her?" She asks me. I nod but then remember she can't see me. "Yeah hold on"

"Luna it's Heather, do you remember?" I ask her. "Feather, give me the gummy's" she giggles and I nod. "Say hello to her she's on the phone" I put the phone on loud speaker placing it in front of Luna.

"Hello Feather!" Luna shouts, she still thinks you have to shout over the phone. "Hi Luna darling".

I feel myself becoming happy?

"Are you coming to the park?" Luna asks. "When are you going to go?" Heather asks.

"Daddy said after work" Luna sighs. "Oh should I come there?"

"To daddy's work?" Luna asks. "No love, to the park?" Heather laughs.

Luna looks up at me "Daddy should Feather come to the park?" I hear Heather laugh over the phone. "Yeah if she wants, ask her when she finishes" I tell Luna.

"When do you finish?" Luna copies me. "At five, is that okay?" Heather asks. Luna looks up at me grinning and I nod.

"Daddy said yep" Luna giggles. "I have to go now Luna, I'll see you and your daddy later bye" Heather says and I sense the happiness in her voice. "Bye" me and Luna say at the same time.
"Kelly I'm leaving now, can you just forward me any important emails" I tell her, holding Luna's small hand. "Woah are you leaving early for the first time? Who's the girl?" Kelly asks me. "No one, I'm taking Luna to the park" I shrug walking off.

I drive to the park and take Luna out of her seat holding her in my arms then I let her down once we reach the park. "Where is she Daddy?" Luna tugs my hand.

"She'll be here baby, come on I'll push you on the swing" I tell her looking around one more time but she wasn't here yet, I look down at my watch seeing it's just turned five, so maybe she's on her way.

"Daddy you sit down" I sit on the swing beside her after pushing her for a while. I make her laugh, carrying her around the park gong in everything we could and the going again but she still wasn't here.

"Is Feather not coming?" Luna asks me and my smile drops looking around again. I breathe in deeply looking down at my watch. Six thirty. "I don't think so love, come on let's go home" I pick her up.

"Why she not coming?" She asks me resting her head on my shoulder, wrapping her small arms around my neck. "I don't know baby, it's okay though we can watch Moana when we get home"

"And popcorn?"

"Yes and popcorn"

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now