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"You work too hard"
Heather Flores

"I can assure you Sir, your daughter is fine. Her leg will heal with in six weeks" I tell the man and he nods. "Thank you Doctor Flores".
"No problem, you were just worried for your daughter" I smile, my mind flicks to Shawn, seeing his sharp features soften when I told him it was going to be okay.

I snap back, that's what I love about this job, seeing the satisfaction, the face of relief when I can tell my patients that everything is going to be okay.

I make my way to my office sitting down for what seemed like the first time today. I rested my elbows on the desk putting my head in my hands taking deep breathes, feeling my muscles ease up.

A knock at the door makes me jump up, I gain composure sighing, shoving my hair in a low bun. "Come in!" I yell.

"Ness, hi" I smile at her as she sits down. "Heather, love you look so tired" she frowns. I smile gently fluttering my eyes trying to get me to stay awake. "I'm fine, now what can I help with" I log on to my laptop whilst I talk to her.

"I'm on my break, so I thought I'd pop in to see how you were" she shrugs going in to her bag pulling out a box of strawberries. "Here" she shoves them towards me.

"Oh thanks Ness but like I told you I'm fine, what about you?" I ask her taking a strawberry.

"Heather you ask me everyday. I want to know how you feel. You're constantly working, always putting others needs before yours. Truly Heather how are you?" I feel my face soften, there are only a few people I let in to my life, Paige, Spence and Ness. The only ones who ask if I'm fine but it's been a while. I guess hearing it lets me know there's someone who cares for me.

"Thank you, I'm just tired that's all" I shrug. "I have dinner tonight with Lola and my dad"

"Oh, are you going to take a date?" She asks me, I sigh lightly "nope" I simply reply not wanting to elaborate.

"You work too hard" she tells me like everyone else hasn't told me already. "You're 21, so young and beautiful, maybe let go for a bit" Ness shrugs.

"I can't" I sit back. "Ness, I simply can't and if I hear one more person telling me to let go or that I work too hard I might just loose it" I say, not meaning for it to come across as a harsh but it did. "Oh god I'm sorry" I sigh shaking my head.

"It's okay Heather, you're nothing but nice to me. My breaks over now, I know you don't want to hear it but just think about what I said, just let go" and with that she gets up leaving me alone.
"Heather, you look gorgeous. I love that dress" Lola pulls me in for a hug, I almost choke on how much perfume she's wearing. "Hi Lola, you look so pretty" I compliment but it was the truth she was a gorgeous blonde, a retired model for swimwear so you can guess how amazing she already looked.

"My girls huh" my dad chuckles hugging me from the side. "Come on let's go in" I follow them inside the restaurant getting seated straight away, my dad has a status around here.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to the bathroom" my dad gets up going to the bathroom. "So Heather, any boys I should know about?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Nope not really" I shrug grabbing my menu. "Daniel won't tell me either" she huffs referring to my dad. "You can tell me Heather, I won't say a word" she says grabbing on to my hand.

I know she won't say anything I do trust her, just last year I broke my dads lamp and she didn't say a thing, then I accidentally forgot to pick up his suit for a meeting and she took the blame but there was simply nothing to tell her.

"There's really no one Lola" I tell her looking in to her bright blue eyes. "Are you sure?" She asks me. "A hundred and ten percent" I nod.

"Well my friend has a son, about your age. You should meet him" she says but I shake my head. "I'm good, thank you though" I smile at her then look back down at my menu.

"You really are like your dad, truly invested in work" she lets out a laugh. I bite my bottom lip not wanting to say anything so I just nod politely.

Just let go

Invested in your job

Married to your job

The thoughts swirl around my head, making me question each one.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now