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"Are you gonna tell me what happened?"
Heathers Flores

I could feel myself breathing heavily, my mind was so lost but my focus was on Shawn. I wanted him back, to hold me in his arms. I felt warmer and warmer and my eyes wouldn't open, I was trapped.

My skin felt like it was burning but something was holding me down, strapped as I kicked my legs trying to be set free from whatever it was.

I heard faint sounds, mumbling close to me but I couldn't make out what it was. It was an endless cycle of pain.

Then I felt my hands being laced with someone else. Squeezing gently. Someone's fingers moving my hair back.

"Heather!" I hear, a masculine voice. "Heather love" it was more of a whisper this time.

My eyes begin flickering but it was dark. "Come on Heather" I hear then the hand leaves mine then strokes my cheek.

"It's so dark" I croak out. Whoever this person was they let go off me and put on a warm tone light on.

I move my eyes and my hands move up to feel a soft blanket covering me. That was what was restricting me. I look up seeing a high ceiling and a large chandelier. Where the fuck was I?

"Babe" I hear. I turn and my eyes widen. "Shawn?" I ask.

"I'm here love" he takes my hand pressing a kiss to my knuckles. "What- what's going on?" I ask. I use my other hand and wipe my cheek that happened to be damp. Was I crying?

"Come on sit up" he helps me sit up and I look at him confused. I place my hand on his cheek, he was definitely real. I squeeze my eyes shut then open them again.

He was still here.

"You scared me" he chuckles quietly pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Where are we?" I ask.

"The hotel" he says like it was obvious. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Okay I think, it's too hot" I tell him meeting his sparkling eyes.

"Lets sit outside" he gets up revealing his perfect body, the only thing he was wearing was his black sweat pants. He takes my hand and leads me outside.

"New York" I mumble under my breath. I go to sit down but he pulls me on to his lap. "You really scared me babe" he says again pressing kisses down my shoulder.

"What date is it?" I ask. "January fifteenth" he replies confused.

What the fuck, so yesterday was our anniversary? I look down at my hand seeing my ring. My engagement ring he gave me.

"You proposed last night?" I ask in disbelief. "I know I'm still in shock, I can't wait to marry you darling" he kisses my cheek.

This was all so confusing to me. "Are you okay?" I ask him and he looks at me with a look of confusion. "I'm fine love" he chuckles.

"Are you? You wouldn't stop crying in your sleep, you held on to me so tightly. You started getting louder and louder so I had to wake you up" he tells me pushing my hair behind my ear.

"You're okay" a smile tugs at my lips then I pull him in to a hug, hugging him sideways. I then hold his face in my hands smothering his face in kisses.

I was in shock. It all felt so real, every bit of it. But I thanked my lucky stars it wasn't.

"I can't wait to go home, to get married, to see Luna" I tell him pecking his lips as I spoke.

"Me too" he laughs. "Are you feeling better?" He asks. I nod moving my hands to his hair loving the feeling of his soft curls.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asks. "It doesn't matter" I shake my head. "Okay, as long you're okay" he kisses my nose.

God I loved when he did that.


"Can we have sex now?" I ask. I just wanted to feel closer to him but I hadn't realised how I blurted it out. My cheeks heated up and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Wow, yes babe. Let's go back inside" he chuckles moving his hand through my hair.

"No lets do it out here" I tell him moving my body to straddle him. "I love you so much, please don't ever leave me" I press my forehead against his.

"I won't darling, I won't. I love you too much" he squeezes my waist under my slip dress then lifts me slightly so he could pull his sweatpants and boxers down at the same time.

I move my hips against him loving the way it felt through the fabric of my underwear. "Oh Heather, kiss me" he pulls my face down using his hand meeting my lips for a long kiss.

In the midst of kissing he used his fingers to rub me through my underwear then he moved my thong to the side letting two of his fingers inside me roughly fingering me.

I moan in to his mouth then grab his wrist moving his hand up to my lips sucking on his two fingers. He watches me closely cursing under his breath. I take his length in my hand then lower myself down on to him.

"Oh fuck Heather" he curses moving his hands to my waist moving me faster. I place my hands on his shoulders using him as a grip to move up and down him.

It felt like so long since I had felt him.

"So warm" he groans. "I can't believe you're mine" he moans tilting his head back. I take it to my advantage and begin sucking the skin at his neck.

"Are you close gorgeous?" He asks, I felt him twitch inside me indicating he was about to cum. "A little longer" I moan. He helps me out by using his two fingers to rub my clit in fast circular motions.

I carry on saying his name near his ear then I let out a loud moan when I feel my orgasm approaching. "Yes Heather, cum" he encourages me. I know he wanted us to release at the same time. I begin clenching him around him then I bite down on his shoulder as I cum and he fills me up.

We stay like this panting then he lifts me off of him. He used his fingers to gather up my cum and he sucks on his own fingers then once he's done he pulls me in for a kiss.

"I love you, I love you so much Shawn" I moan in to his moan as I feel his fingers coming back in contact with my heat. "I love you more babe, I'm gonna show you all night" he kisses down my jaw.

I couldn't describe the immense pleasure I felt that night. I felt so close to him and the memories of my dream had floated away. I never want to see him like that again, not in my imagination or in real life.

Right now was perfect, we were so deeply in love and we're going to get married.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now