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"Why won't he look at me?!"
Heather Flores

I was silent all through the car ride. Aaliyah would squeeze my hand when I'd hiccup and let a cry out. I had comforted her too, I don't know what it was like to have a sibling being in the hospital but I could imagine she felt scared. And for Karen, I wouldn't know what I'd do if Luna was in the hospital.

"Come on" Karen says. We all get out the car. I was walking slowly, I wasn't prepared to him like this again, especially this time it seems worse.

I was suddenly taken out from my deep thoughts by a car beeping at me. It was so close to me, the driver game me a dirty look then drove around me since I froze. Karen took my hand and we walked in to the hospital.

My mind clicked, I had to see him.

I saw Andrew walking up to us and he pulls me in to a hug. "What room?" I ask.

"Floor 1 room five" he answers. "Come on" I tell Karen and Aaliyah. I wiped my tears walking side by side with Andrew.

"Over night stay?" I ask Andrew. "Yes-"

"Vital arteries?"

"Working a hundred percent"

"Hear rate?"

"Ranging 30 to 40"

I nod stepping in front of the door. "What was the cause?" I ask looking up at him.

"His friends bought him in and he had passed out for half an hour, we woke him, pumped the alcohol out, gave vital meds and he..."

His eyes sadden and I know that look. I've had to give it to my patients.

"He passed out and hasn't woke up" his voice was much more gentle now. He puts a hand in my shoulder rubbing it. That's what I did to my patients.

"Erm Karen, Aaliyah. You guys go first" I tell them stepping back. "Are you sure?" Karen asks her eyes becoming glossy.

"Yeah, you're immediate family" I say. She nods then walks in with Aaliyah, Andrew walks in with them to tell them the general information.

I sit on the chair outside the room. I've never known what this felt like. Staring at the blank wall in front.

"Oh Heather" I look up seeing my dad. I stand up and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Daddy" I whimper. "Daddy I'm so scared" I cry, my whole body shaking.

"He's gonna be okay Heather" he rubs my back. "I'm going to do anything I can to make sure he's okay" he squeezes my body.

"I love him dad, I really do" I sob.

"I know baby, I know" he nods.

I move back sitting down. He sits beside me holding my shaking hand. "Where's Luna?" He asks. "Home" I answer whispering.

"Oh my baby, Luna" I sob leaning my head on my dads shoulder. "She's okay darling sh sh"

I hear the door click seeing Karen walking out with Aaliyah walking out, I quickly take Karen's hands. "I'm so sorry Karen, I let him go. I told him it was a good idea to leave for the night-"

"Don't blame yourself love" Karen smiles sadly. "You should go in" Aaliyah sniffles.

"I'll erm go in a minute" I nod wiping my face with my sleeves. "Heather go, I know you don't want to see him like this but you have to" dad says squeezing my hand.

I mumble an okay standing up. I took three deep breathes then opened the door. My feet lead me to his bed side.

How did he still look so handsome? His complexion was slightly paler, his hands to his sides, his hair swept back but still curly and fluffy.

"Hi" I squeak. I sit on the side of the bed taking his hand in mine. I bring it up to my lips kissing his knuckles. "I love you so much" I cry. "Please, my love" my voice cracks. "Please open your eyes" I squeeze his hand.

I knew he could hear me, he felt my touch but couldn't react. "Shawn please" I whimper. I carefully rest my head on his chest placing my ear near his heart. It was beating steadily, a calm pace.

"I need you to wake up, I need you" I sob against him. "Shawn" I sob.

"Fucking wake up!" I sob louder. "Wake up! Please open your eyes! Look at me!" I cry even louder against him.

"Why did you do this? Open your eyes Shawn!" I didn't even realise I had been shouting.

"Heather" a calm voice calls. "Shawn my love, please!" I whimper clutching on to the thin hospital gown.

"Heather stop" I get picked up of off him by my waist. "Put me down!" I yell. "I need him to wake up!" I kick my legs but my dad doesn't put me down. "Why won't he look at me?!" I scream.

"Heather, heather listen to me" my dad hushes me as I get set on the floor and he cradles my shaking body rubbing my back. "Daddy please" I plead.

"Wake him up" I sob in to his arms. "I will darling, I will" He kisses the top of my head.

I cry loudly on the floor beside Shawn's bed. I reach up taking his hand that was dangling from the bed. I squeeze tightly as a cry gets stuck in my throat.

This was the worse day of my life.

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