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"I know love, I can't wait till you start showing"
Heather Flores

"Shawn are you ready?" I ask shouting from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah babe hold on" he replies.

I soon see him walking down the stairs holding Luna.

Today was my first scan, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. "Hi gorgeous" He kisses my cheek resting a hand on my waist. "Are we seeing baby now?" Luna asks.

We had told her she would be an older sister. All though she was beyond her excited and her initial reaction was adorable she was still confused to where the baby was, she had thought we go get it from the shops which Shawn proceeded to tell her that we did.

"Ready?" He asks opening the passenger door for me after he buckled in Luna. I hum a yes then he takes my hand kissing my knuckles. "I love you" he blesses me with his sweet words making me blush.

"I love you more, now get in we're going to be late" I quickly peck his lips then he shuts the door jogging over to the drivers side. On the way there he wouldn't stop touching me, keeping a hand on my leg or reaching for my hand. He was also turning around to check on Luna every now and then.

I liked seeing him like this. Like full dad mode, it made me excited to see what he would be like with our baby.

"Okay lets go" he says excitedly. I get out the car and help Luna out. She takes my hand and Shawn walks ahead of us walking in to the building. Once we get to the reception Shawn gives our names and he puts a hand on the small of my back.

"This way Mr and Mrs mendes" the nurse says. Shawn looks down at me smirking. "Mrs mendes eh" he winks. I laugh as we walk into the room.

I get settled on the bed and Shawn had Luna on his lap. He takes my hand in his and we both listen to the doctor.

"My name is doctor Gregory, congratulations on the pregnancy" she smiles at me then sets up the sonogram. "Okay this is cold" she warns me. I already knew this procedure but this was completely weird.

She places the wand on my stomach and runs it around. "Here look" she points at the screen. "So your 8 weeks along" she tells me.

"Is that the head?" Shawn asks. "Yes, at your next appointment which will be when your 22 weeks along, you'll be able to see all the features" she tells me.

"I can't believe it" Shawn whispers. I look over at him seeing his eyes set on the screen then he looks at me with a huge smile making his eyes wrinkle.

"Daddy What is it?" Luna asks. "Our baby" Shawn tells her.

"Shawn" I hum. He looks at me then leans over kissing my cheek. "Yeah?" He asks.

"We're having baby" I chuckle. This was a dream.

"I know love, I can't wait till you start showing" he squeezes my hand.

"Mrs mendes, I'll have a picture taken and you can collect it over at reception. I'll leave you to clean up then we can schedule your next appointment" she nods then leaves the room after wiping the gel off my stomach.

I sit up and get down off the bed. Shawn takes my hand squeezing it. We were both silent but the happiness radiated of us.

We collected our picture and I made an appointment for May 22nd. We got in the car and kept my eyes down on the black and white picture. It was so unreal, so dream like.

I never imagined myself having a baby or even finding the right person to have a baby with. If I were to look back on my life a year ago I would've seen a completely different girl. That girl was so into work that she had no time to find anyone, she had a confused relationship with her father and life was plain old simple.

"We're home" Shawn tells me. I get out the car and help Luna down. She immediately runs up to the house. Shawn takes a second and pulls me in to him kissing my lips sweetly. "My gorgeous girl" he smiles kissing my nose.

I smile up at him then cradle his strong jaw in my hand. He was everything.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now