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"I just got a little emotional you know"
Heather Flores

"Hi Karen" I say as I gave her hug. "Heather you look beautiful" she compliments. I wore a baby blue dress that was off the shoulder, it was just too hot today. I came with Shawn to pick up Luna today.

"Oh thank you" I smile then follow Shawn to the living room. We sit down and Shawn looks up at his mum. "Where's my baby?" He asks making me laugh a little.

"She's at the park with Aaliyah, they should be back any minute now" kern says sitting down on the sofa opposite. "So Heather I hope you don't mind me asking but what do you do?"

"Oh I'm a head doctor, my dad owns the hospital" I say, Shawn squeezes my hand almost to tell me to he's proud. "Woah that's amazing, how did you get your degree so young?" Karen asks.

"Well I went to university in England which wasn't my original plan. I was seventeen which you can do and it took me four years to get my degree in medicine and biology, I moved back here when I was twenty and immediately started working" I finish.

"You got a clever one eh Shawn" Karen says making Shawn look at me with admiration in his eyes. "What was the original plan?" Shawn asks me. I stare in to his honey eyes, not able to open my mouth to speak.

"You don't have to tell me" he kisses my forehead. I close my eyes then open them once I no longer feel his lips on my skin.

I look back at Karen and see her taking a picture of which instantly made me laugh. "Sorry hun that was adorable" she says getting up looking though her phone.

Shawn shakes his head at Karen and she shrugs her shoulders leaving me and Shawn.

"I was going to become a dancer" I say my mind filling with a blur of memories."A ballet dancer, I got accepted in to Joffrey Ballet School" I smile, remembering how happy I was.

"What happened love?" He squeezes my hand.

"I decided to become a doctor, my dad was not subtle when it came to that choice" I brush it off by laughing. "Would you be a dancer if you had the choice now?" Shawn asks me.

"Maybe I don't know" I shrug. "I love what I do now" I smile. I never even considered it but I've worked to hard for where I am today.

"I'd love to see you dance some day" he says kissing my cheek.

I go to open my mouth to speak but we hear a scream and Luna runs in. "Daddy" she yells. Shawn gets up putting his arms out to pick her up and throw her in the air, he kisses her rosy cheeks and she kisses his nose.

"Hi baby" he sits down with her on his lap. "Feather!" She shouts leaping on to me. I hold her in my arms and giving hers tight hug. She pulls back and kisses my nose making my heart melt. "Hi luna buna" I make up making her laugh.

Soon Aaliyah walks in, me and Shawn get up to hug her and we begin talking. Luna stays in my lap her head leaning against my chest. I notice her becoming sleepy so I lay her side ways and begin stroking her brown curls, soon her eyes flutter and she falls asleep.

"Shawn can I borrow you?" Aaliyah asks standing up, Shawn nods following her to the hallway outside the living room. I don't know if they know but I could hear them clearly.

"Did you tell her?" Aaliyah asks. "Yeah, she said it back" Shawn says, I could literally hear him smiling.

"She's really good with Luna, did you see how she fell asleep in her arms" Aaliyah exclaims. I hear Shawn's adorable laugh. "Luna loves her, so do I" he says. I look down at Luna and there conversation begins to blur to my ears.

She was gorgeous, I trace my finger across her cheek then down the bridge of my nose, I was definitely not ready for children but maybe this is a way of the universe pushing me out of my comfort zone.

I have no idea why but I begin to tear up, it's actually a big deal to let me in to Shawn's life, not only was I in his but I was in his daughters life. He trusted me with her which made me love him even more.

"Should we go love?" Shawn's voice makes me snap looking up at him. "Wait are you crying? What happened?" Aaliyah asks standing behind Shawn. "Here Shawn, take Luna I need the bathroom" I say.

He takes Luna from my arms and I go upstairs to the bathroom. I quickly clean my face and walk out seeing Aaliyah. "What happened?" She asks me.

"I just got a little emotional you know" I chuckle. She nods understandably but I can see she wants to know more. "I was looking down at Luna and it really hit me that Shawn must trust me a lot to let me in to his life" I say.

Aaliyah suddenly hugs, I hug back. "You guys are goals" she giggles. I laugh moving back, "I'll see you soon yeah" I hug her once more then go down saying bye to Karen and Manny.

Shawn was already in the car so I rushed to him getting in. "You okay?" He asks me. I lean over pressing my lips to his. "Yeah, I am" I smile then kiss him once more.

I sit back and he holds my hand as he drives. "I love you" he says looking over at me. My heart flutters just like the first time he said it.

"I love you too" I bring his hand up to my lips and I kiss his knuckles.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now