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"I need a distraction today so hit me with all you got doc"
Heather Flores

"Thanks for staying Spence" I hugged him tightly just before he left. "It's okay and let me know if you need anything" he smiles.

"Don't tell Paige please" I shout as he walks away and he puts his thumbs up then gets in his taxi. I shut the door then make way upstairs grabbing my bag.

I couldn't sleep all night, knowing Shawn was in the room next to me and not beside me, so I could hold on to him tightly. I quickly wrote him a note.

I've gone to work then Karen asked me to pick up Luna, dinner tonight and you can explain.
I love you.
H x

I walked in to the guest room and placed the note on the table. I don't know what I was doing but I leant down and kissed his cheek. I quickly walked away letting out a breath I don't know I had held in.

And of course I still loved him, I just needed an explanation before I decided to be all dramatic and do something I would regret.

I finally made it to work and was immediately bombarded with millions of people, well maybe four people but it felt like millions and I was glad, I wanted to get my mind away from the idea of Shawn and another woman.

"Heather we have a patient with appendix removal due tomorrow, can I do it?" Doctor Davies asks me. "Yeah sure just remember all the checks and do research on it before hand it always helps" I tell him and he walks off thanking me.

"Heather we have three new nurses where do we start with them?" Another person asks. "Start from floor one work your way around then the rules and regulations then questions" she nods then walks away.

"How are you feeling?" A deep voice asks. I look up seeing Andrew smiling down at me. "As good as I can feel" I smile.

"Everything okay between you and Shawn?" He asks. "I don't know, I'm hoping he'll explain tonight" he nods understandingly.

"Heather if you ever need me I'll be there for you"

"When the rain starts to pour" I sing making him chuckle.

"I'll be there for you" he sings back. I giggle then shake my head.

"I need a distraction today so hit me with all you got doc" I nudge him and he follows me as I begin walking to my office.

"Well there's a knee surgery, a patient finally awake from a coma and also a broken arm. So take a pick" he smiles.

"I'll do all three" I tell him grabbing my white coat. "Can I observe?" He asks.

"Yeah sure, follow me Doctor king"
The whole day I spent with Andrew, he's so sweet to me and kind. He makes me feel giddy and safe but not like Shawn does.

I brush away my thoughts and finally pick up Luna who happily sings with me in the car to the soundtrack of The Lion King.

"Come on love" I take her hand and we go to the door where I unlock it and see it's dark, and candles lit up everywhere. I lock the door and make my way to the living room.

There were probably hundreds and hundreds of roses and sunflowers everywhere along with candles and there was Shawn. He stood wearing a dark red silk shirt and black pants.

My heart skips a beat.

"Daddy!" Luna leaves my hand runs up to him, he opens his arms and lets her in a hug. "I put some clothes on the bed love, go get changed" he kisses her forehead and she lets go running up the upstairs.

"Why are you crying?" He asks me. I put my hand up to my cheek not even realising I had been crying I wipe my eyes and walk up to him and he wraps his arms around my body squeezing me gently.

I felt warm and safe, his arms were home.

"I'm so so sorry Heather" he kisses the top of my head. "Tell me what happened" I say moving back.

"I will, just go get changed. I feel over dressed" he kisses my cheek. I wanted to feel mad at him but I just couldn't. I nod then go upstairs.

I soon return wearing a silk slip red dress which was on my bed already.

"You look beautiful" Shawn gets up holding my waist. "I need you to explain to me, please" I almost sound like I'm begging.

"Of course" he nods taking my hands taking me to the kitchen, there was more flowers and candles and the table was set up with dinner.

"What about Luna?" I ask him.

"She's watching monsters inc, she'll probably fall asleep" I nod sitting down opposite him.

"I want to start by saying I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark and just please listen, don't say anything until I'm done. Okay?" He clutches my hand and my heart races.

I nod gulping and meet his warm eyes.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now