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"I'm not asking you to kill someone"
Shawn Mendes

I take Luna up in my arms as I get her out the car. She wanted to see Heather so I thought we'd make a quick stop at her work. I keep wondering if she had her tea that I sent, she didn't call or text or maybe there was a reason for it.

"Hi can I see Heather" I smile down at the lady. "Shawn mendes?" She asks and I nod. "Heathers in her office, down this hall towards the right, it says her name on the door" I thank her then walk away.

"Daddy is Heather a Doctor?" Luna asks me. "Yep She is, how amazing is that" i say as we approach the door.

I knock on the door and I hear a faint "come in". I open the door and see Heather on her computer.

"I'm sorry sir but you have to book an appointment" she says scribbling something down. I chuckle lightly. "Feather!" Luna yells. She looks up at me and Luna and a smile appears on her face.

"Oh hi guys" she gets up walking towards us. "Hi baby Luna" she kisses her cheek then pinches it, my heart rate increases.

"Hi Feather" Luna giggles. "Hi Shawn" she gives me a small side hug due to Luna being in my arms but it was enough for me. "Well sit down then" she points the chairs as she sits down.

"So how can I help?" She asks typing something on her computer. "Oh nothing" I shrug making her look at me.

"Nothing? What are the symptoms? Are you feeling stressed or light headed or notice any particular changes?" She shoots

I shake my head no. "No Heather we just wanted to see you" I laugh and she looks up at me dropping her pen. "See me?"

"Yep, tell me about your day yesterday?" I tell her leaning back on my chair. She looks confused looking down at her book then her computer.

"Go on" I say again. "Okay well erm I booked an operation for a heart transplant and I brought my dads girlfriend back to life and hasn't even called me or said anything to me" she shrugs. "But it doesn't matter what about you?" She brushes it off but I can see she's hurt.

"Heather why don't you call him?"

She shakes her head no. "I always do, I guess I'm just used to it now"

"You shouldn't be used to that, he's your dad"

"I know what he is Shawn" she mumbles going back to writing something down. "Now can I actually help you with something?"

I look down at Luna seeing her play on my phone then back at Heather. "Come over for dinner" I say and she looks up.


"Yes, I'm not asking you to kill someone" I laughs and see her smile a little. "Where?" She asks.

"My place I'll text you the address, what time do you get off?"

"At seven but I could be kept in longer" she says. "well call me okay, if anything happens" I stand up and Luna looks up at me following me actions then holding my hand.

"I'll see you later" I smile at her. "Bye feather" Luna runs around her desk then hugs her. "Bye Luna love" Luna giggles then walks back over to me.
"Daddy is she here yet" Luna asks me looking out the window playing with her toy horses on the window ledge. "Not yet baby" I look down at my watch seeing it's just turned half seven.

I go to the kitchen and check on the food, my heart desired for it all to be perfect. It took me a whole hour to make this all perfect. I don't know why but it just had to be. I don't know if anyone could tell but since Luna's mother I couldn't even look at another woman or I'd push them away but Heather, when I locked eyes with her I wanted her in my life.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Luna yells running up to me. "What is it love?" I scoop her up pressing a kiss to her cheek. "She's here" she giggles putting her small hands on the side of my face.

"Well let's go open the door" I chuckle. I walk towards the door and wipe my hand on my jeans. I wait for her to knock on the door but I just let my hand open the door and I see her walking up the steps.

"Hi" Luna giggles. "Hi gorgeous" Heather laughs kissing her cheek. I put Luna down and she hugs Heathers legs. "Oh that was a nice hug" Heather says leaning down to her hug her back.

"Daddy gives good hugs" Luna says. "Does he?" Heather looks up at me and my knees grow weak. She steps closer to me and wraps her arms around me, I hug her back breathing in her sweet perfume.

"He does give good hugs" Heather let's go looking down at Luna.

"I brought wine" she holds up the bottle. "And capri-sun's" I chuckle seeing the box in her hand. "Come on" I move out the way letting her in and Luna follows her, I see Luna's small hand in Heathers and I think i might cry. I know I'm so emotional.

"Erm you can sit down I'll bring dinner" I say leaving her with Luna.

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