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"It's ours Shawn"
Heather Flores

"Dad I'm completely fine and everything is running smoothly" I laugh as this was the fifth time he called me today. "I'm just checking Heather" he chuckles.

"I know but you should get back to enjoying Italy with Lola then when your back you can check up on me" I tell him as I grab my bag.

"Okay okay, bye Heather" I wish him a good bye then end end the call walking over to Ness at reception.

"Ness go home and get Jamie to cover you" I tell her. "But-"

"You work too hard, go home" I smile at her earning one back. "Thank you Heather, you honestly deserve the world"

"As do you Ness" I smile then wave as I walk out.

I knock on Shawn's door and wait for him to answer. I should really ask for some keys I think to myself as the door opens. "Hi gorgeous" Shawn pulls me in giving me a sweet kiss. "Hi Shawn" I giggle as I feel his hands run down my bum. He squeezes then I quickly take his hand and lead him to the living room.

"Mummy! Can I give you something?" Luna yells running up to me. "Hi lovely Luna and of course" I kiss her cheek then she runs off.

I sit down with Shawn on the sofa and we wait for Luna. "Any idea what it is?" I ask him and he shakes his head no then Luna walks in climbing on to my lap.

"Eyes closed" she giggles. I obey and shut my eyes, I hear Shawn whisper something to her then I feel a box like object on my palms.

"Open Mummy" Luna tells me, I open my eyes and look down seeing a small grey box with ribbon over it.  I look up at Shawn seeing a grin on his face. "Should I open it?" I ask him. "Go on love"  he kisses my forehead.

I take of the ribbon and open the box seeing a key and feather charm attached to it. I hold it up and realise what it's for.

"Mummy you can live with me and daddy" she squeals and hugs me. I gasp at her sudden movements when she hugs me. I hug back then put her down. "Of course I will" I kiss her cheek. "Now we don't have to have sleep overs" she says making me and Shawn laugh. Her excitement soon dies down and she settles to watch The Jungle Book.

"So I'll see your face every morning, see your clothes beside mine, breakfast together everyday, sleeping beside each other every night and you'll come home to me?" Shawn asks moving towards me as Luna lay her head on my lap getting comfortable.

"Yeah" I nod. "Everyday babe" I pull him closer and kiss him once more.

"Now when do we move my stuff in?" I ask him. "I'll hire some people to do it tomorrow, can you get the day off?" He asks.

"Definitely, I'm not letting some strangers destroy how I organised everything" I say making him laugh. "You'll have to organise all your stuff here then" he says.

"I don't mind" I shake my head. "Where would I park my car?" I am him. "Next to mine in the garage" he replies.

"And erm I can order you a vanity and a wardrobe, mines pretty full so you can feel comfortable doing whatever you want" he says nervously.

"That's perfect, this is our home now. I live with you" I squeal quietly and he laughs. "You do live here now so anything you want to change just do it, it's all yours" he tells me.

"It's ours Shawn" I grin looking up at his love sick eyes.

He leans closer then kisses my nose, god I love when he does that. "I love you Shawn" I kiss his nose back.

"And I love you more Heather" he kisses my nose again.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now