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"Honestly no, you make me needy honey"
Shawn Mendes

After two days of moving heathers stuff we finally finished, she had packed everything in a certain way so she wouldn't let me help, only help with the heavy lifting. She also insisted on cleaning the kitchen which I knew she was dying to do, she just wanted to organise everything.

I ordered her the vanity and some other bits which really pleased her. It was all perfect. I made room for her pictures to go up which made her cry, I think it was because she didn't think I would give it much thought.

And of course Luna helped and by helped I mean mess up heathers makeup and sit in boxes. I kept telling her off but Heather would stop me and begin playing too.

Everything was finally done, everything was settled.

I poured two glasses of red and made my way to the living room where Heather was, dressed in a silk set of pyjamas.

"Thanks babe" she takes the glass of off me and taps the space next to her where I sit throwing an arm over her shoulder so she can lean in to me.

"I'm so tired" I huff leaning my head in hers. "I would be tired but I love cleaning and organising" She giggles. She moves her head and looks up at me.

"Take your shirt off" she tells me putting her glass down after taking a sip. "Babe if you want me you could just say" I chuckle putting my glass down, I then grab her waist pulling her in to my lap.

"No, I'll give you a massage" she shakes her head then gets up pulling her shorts up. "How can I turn that down?" I shrug then take my shirt off. She tells me to lie down on my stomach on she straddles my lower back.

"You have a cute bum" she giggles. "I could tell you the same" I say then put my head down on the couch pillow facing the tv.

I feel her small hands begin kneading in to my back, I moan in relaxation making her laugh.

"Does it feel good?" She asks innocently but I totally don't take it like that. How could I? My girl was sat on my back in some tiny shorts and her cleavage was showing, her hands were all over me.

I hum a yes. "Babe can I turn around?" I ask her. She says yes then gets up, I flip around on my back and she straddles my upper stomach looking down at me with a smile

"I can't believe you finally live with me" I tell her lacing my fingers with hers, moving them side to side.

"I can't either, this is so dream like" she says leaning down brushing her nose past mine. Oh god I looked down for a second and she already had me heated.

"You okay?" She asks me biting in to her bottom lip. She moves her hands and places them on my face cupping my jaw. I move my hands to her back and rub her bare skin under her silk camisole.

"Honestly no, you make me needy honey" I admit. "You're so perfect, everything I need" I mumble against her lips.

She leans closer closing the gap between us. Her lips were so soft and plump. Her tongue swipes against my bottom lip then she plays with mine making me smile in to the kiss.

"Shawn" she moans against my skin kissing down my jaw, "what is it love?" I ask her bringing her face up, I kiss her lips again then fine her jaw, neck then down to her plunge neckline.

Her hips begin rolling against mine but I have to quickly stop her when I hear footsteps emerging downstairs.

"Mummy!" Luna yells. Heather sighs falling on to my chest. She breathes in deeply then sits up fixing her top and hair. I stay lying down but just sit up a bit.

"Mummy!" She yells again walking in to the living room with her Disney pyjamas on and she was holding her brown teddy bear.

"Are you okay darling?" Heather ask holding out a hand. Luna takes her hand and rubs her eyes tiredly as Heather picks her up on to her lap. Luna falls in to her chest and Heather sits back stroking her hair.

I sit up grabbing my shirt and putting it on then I sit back next to Heather watching as Luna sniffles in to her chest.

"Baby whats the matter?" She asks. "I wanna sleep with you" she says looking up with big honey eyes. "You can" Heather kisses her nose. Luna leans up and kisses her nose.

"Should we go to bed girls?" I ask them earning a nod from them both. I get up and take Luna from Heather. She instantly melts in my arms making my heart happy.

I take Heathers hand and lead her upstairs. We get in bed, Luna between us.

"Good night loves" Heather leans over and kisses my lips then kisses Luna's head.

This is complete and utter bliss.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now