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"What's up son? Had a fight with the misses?"
Shawn Mendes
July 5th

"Happy birthday princess" I sweep up Luna in my arms still sitting in bed. "How old are you?" I ask her.

"Five" she shows me five fingers and smiles a me with her cute little baby teeth. "Big Girl now huh?" I chuckle. I didn't like that she was growing up but I would just have to accept it.

I feel Heather move around then she sits up pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder. "Oh happy birthday Luna" Heather exclaims kissing Luna's cheek.

"Mummy can I see the baby?" She asks innocently. My heart was literally beating for this child.

"Yeah come here" Heather moves back and lifts her top up and Luna sits on heathers legs.

Luna presses her small hands against heathers stomach. "Hi baby!" Luna shouts. Heather giggles looking up at me. I swear she had this glow everyone talks about. She literally looked so beautiful, a complete angel.

"Huh mummy!" Luna gasps and he quickly moves her hands. "What happened?" Heather asks moving a hand to her stomach then she laughs. "The baby is moving" she says.

I move my hand down to heathers stomach feeling that poking, weird, magical touch. "Come here baby" I call to Luna taking her small hand. I put her hand back on heathers stomach and she jumps. "It's scary" she pouts crawling back on to my lap.

She snuggles up to my shoulder putting her head in my neck. Heather puts her top back down then leans her head on my shoulder.

My two beautiful girls. And of course my baby boy was on the way.

"Blow out the candles" Heather tells Luna. Luna leans forward blowing out the candles then all our family and friends cheer. We had a small party at the house.

After cutting the cake and feeding everyone, we all went to the back garden. I had hired a magician, bouncy castle and pony's for the children and adults could help themselves to the drinks.

I was talking to Heathers dad when I spotted her the corner of my eye. "Sorry Mr Flores, I'm just gonna help Heather" I nod over at her and he lets me go.

I go up to her and she sighs loudly holding her stomach which was showing perfectly through her baby pink, tight off the shoulder dress.

"What's wrong my love?" I ask making her turn around. "Why are these chairs so low? And why is there no water? It's too hot to even be outside" she shoots gathering her hair in a low bun.

"Here I'll get you another chair yeah" I nod at her. "I'll just go inside, leave me alone" she huffs walking away, more like waddling away inside. I grow confused to what was going on.

"What's up son? Had a fight with the misses?" My dad asks passing me a beer. "I have no idea, she just walked away complaining about the chairs and the weather" I say completely confused.

"She's probably having mood swings, just give her space" dad advices me but then my mum comes along. "Why aren't you with Heather?" She asks.

"She's a little moody so dad said give her space" I shrug. "Go to her, she's probably even more moody because you aren't with her. You need to be with her" mum says.

"But maybe she needs space" dad says. "No Shawn go to her" mum ignores dad facing me. I sigh putting my beer down. "Sorry Dad But mums always right" I shrug walking inside.

I look around seeing Heather sat on the sofa with Spence and Matt. "Guys can we have a minute?" I ask them.

"Sure thing" Spence shrugs then gets up. "Warning she's a little moody" matt pats my back then they leave.

I sit beside Heather. "Hi gorgeous" I kiss her cheek. "Hi Shawn" she sighs sadly.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I ask her taking her hand. She turns to look at me and she pouts. My poor girl.

"I'm very extremely... erm what's the word" she hums. "Needy" she whispers. "And this baby won't stop moving" she groans.

"Needy?" I ask and she nods. "You don't get it" she huffs. It then clicked in my head.

"Oh baby" I soothe her by rubbing her arm. "I can quickly take you upstairs" I whisper to her. "We can't, it'll be uncomfortable" she sighs then faces me.

"Can you get me some of those candy hearts?" She asks batting her eyelashes at me. I nod getting up grabbing one then I hand it to her.

"Do you know how much I love you?" She asks looking up at me as she bites into the candy. Jesus, this was my lady.

"I know" I nod. "I love you too baby" I kiss her nose making her smile. "Should we go back to the party?" I ask her standing up. She nods then I take her hands helping her up. I keep a hand on the small of her back as we go outside.

"Mummy!" Luna yells running up to us, making her bun go looser and her pink tutu fly about. She then reaches us and hugs heathers legs.

"Do you like your presents baby?" Heather asks. We had gotten her a beginners ballet set, a few games and toys.

"Yep, thank you. Now I can go back" she giggles running back to the bouncy castle.

Heather sighs resting her head on my shoulder. "Did I tell you how undeniably beautiful you look today babe?" I ask her kissing her temple.

Her cheeks go pink and she squeezes my hand. "I love you" she whispers against my lips then kisses them gently.

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