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"it makes our love special"
Heather Flores

Today was the day of the ballet. I was beyond excited.

Yesterday we spent the whole day relaxing, we got massages done and Shawn insisted that I get my hair and nails done as he didn't want me to be bored as he went to meet some people.

We were now getting ready, I was in the bathroom putting on my last bit of makeup and Shawn came strolling in. "I just got off the phone with mum, she said that she'd be surprised if Luna even remembered us when we go back" he laughs sitting up on the counter.

"I miss her crawling in to bed with us" I admit putting down my perfume after I sprayed myself. I stand in between Shawn's legs and he holds my waist. "I do but I wouldn't want her seeing what we do in the morning" he smirks.

"Oh god I don't want to talk about it" I giggle then walk away from him taking my heels with me. I sit on the bed and he follows then leans down fastening the buckle. "Thank you" I take his face and kiss his lips quickly.

"The car is here should we go down now?" He asks standing, putting a hand out for me. I take his hand and stand up. "I'm so excited" I grin as I take my purse and we leave the room.

"I think that's the hundredth time you've said that" he says getting into the elevator then stands behind me resting his chin on my shoulder and his hands feel down my waist.

"I don't think you understand it's so beautiful and magical and literally everything" I explain to him. "I'm just glad you're going to enjoy it" he kisses my cheek then we walk out the elevator and make our way to the car.

Shawn tells him the directions and in ten minutes we were there. "We have box seats, the ones on the balcony just the two of us" he tells me. I immediately jump in to his arms and squeeze his body. "Oh my god you're so perfect" I kiss his cheek then all over his face not caring who was watching. "I love you" I say over and over again. He chuckles then pulls me away using his hands. "I love you more now you go get seated and I'll get us some drinks" he kisses my lips once more then I walk away.

I enter the theatre and have to ask for directions because I'm so clueless. The nice man guides me to our seats then leaves. I sit down on the plush red chairs and couldn't stop smiling. The view we had was incredible. The stage was so close and there would be no distractions from up here.

"Wow I didn't realise how good these seats were" I hear Shawn say then he sits beside me and pulls the arm rest up, he puts the drinks on the small circle table then pulls me to his side.

"I don't think you understand how much this means to me. The last show I saw was with my mum and we watched Cinderella and you amaze me because you remembered and I can't thank you enough. I know this is about us but I'm remembering her right now" I finish what I'm saying then he takes my hand kissing my knuckles.

"You can remember her all you want, I'm glad I could bring you happy memories. Honestly I'd do anything to keep you happy" he looks me in the eyes when he speaks and I just know he means it from his heart.

"I love you" I lean closer to him and cup his jaw with my hand. He kisses my nose "I love you more Heather"

"Oh my god that was amazing" I say again as we walk in to our hotel room. "Did you see when the carriage came on the stage? That was my favourite bit and oh my god when she finally put the pretty dress on that was so elegant" I hear Shawn chuckle behind me and I stop talking.

"What?" I ask and sit on the bed looking up at him. "You're so pretty" he says staring in to my eyes. He leans down pushing my body back on the bed so he can hover over me, I wrap my legs around his body and his lips meet mine roughly kissing me. The kiss was sloppy and wet, filled with love and need.

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