Ch.9: Infiltrating through

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  "Yeah, that probably would have sounded more commanding if I wasn't wearing my Yummy Sushi pajamas." Buffy mumbled.

  Everyone got ready for the day after that, and I had to wait in Xander's basement since I really didn't have much to offer besides my strength at the moment. Yeah, sure, I could help with the research, but Buffy had asked me to stay where I was for reasons I wasn't sure of myself.

  After maybe an hour and a half, she returned and told me to come with her. Walking out of Xander's house, she told me what she found out at the crime scene- including how Riley had shown up and revealed Professor Walsh was dead.

  "So, where are we headed?" I asked while following the Slayer down the street.

  "A demon bar. We're gonna get some information." Buffy replied.

  "Are you sure it's okay for me to tag along?" My brows knit together as I looked at the back of the blonde's head.

  "Of course- I've seen you fight, you can take care of yourself if something goes down." She turned a corner, and I followed.

  "Thanks, but you know....demon bar....there's going to be a bunch of demons...." I walked beside her now, and she glanced at me.

  "That's why I'm bringing you. If you're going to be a part of the gang, your assets are going to be put to use in the field." For some reason, that made me smile. Also, I could see why she was such a good Slayer with how she portrayed her leadership skills. "Okay, don't go demon-y unless you think the moment's right. Don't want to show off our weapons too early in a fight." I nodded as Buffy and I entered the bar. It was fairly nice inside with it being an establishment for the inhuman. The Slayer made eye contact with the bartender, and he made a gesture with his head. Walking over, people gave brief glances in our direction before we even reached the bar.

  "You're killing me here." The bartender said lowly while leaning over the bar. Buffy crossed her arms while resting her forearms on the bar.

  "Oh, missed you, too. Joint's jumping." She commented while briefly looking around. A vampire quickly got up and left his seat that was next to Buffy.

  "Yeah. You know, I'm making some changes with my life. I'm getting away from my old image." The bartender waved his hands.

  "You mean as a double-dealing snitch?" Buffy asked while tilting her head.

  "Uh-huh. I know you're gonna think I'm blowing smoke, but after the Apocalypse demon nearly did me in, I had an experience of the spiritual variety." He moved his hands a lot as he talked.

  "That's swell, really, but I need to know if you've heard anything about a Polgara demon doing some killings in the last few days." The guy looked away while grinning, and I saw Buffy raise one of her fingers in the slightest bit.

  "See, that's the thing. I don't talk behind people's backs no more. And I'm bringing some class to the joint, you know? It's Willy's Place now, see?" He pointed out the neon sign behind him, but I kept my attention on Buffy's hand. I knew it was a signal without her having to tell me so, and that meant I needed to pay attention for when she made it. "Brings in a better clientele." The bartender smiled. "I got one of those deep fryers. These demons just go crazy for chicken fingers." 

  "Look," He sighed while looking around. "If they see me dealing with you, then I'm just the same old Willy, working both sides of the street."

  "I'm gonna have to punch you, aren't I?"

  "Just once, and it don't have to hurt. Just make it look good." Then, Buffy's finger went down. Grabbing the man by his shirt collar, I banged his head against the bar. Not hard enough to really injure him, just enough to hurt, then I growled viciously while baring my sharp teeth.

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