⛓Ch.83: Don't have nobody to call my own⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Vaginal Fingering, Feral Behavior, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding, Licking, Hair Pulling, Scratching]

  Spike came up from behind them, hitting Rona before grabbing Violet and twisting her arm behind her back when she went to attack him. The red-haired girl screamed as the vampire growled and went for her neck, but he stopped short just before biting. Raising his head, his demonic features faded.

  "Okay. These two are dead. Why?" He asked the other girls spectating. Buffy stood with her arms crossed while I sat on a tombstone, my tail boredly curling one way and then the other.

  "Cause the black chick always gets it first?" Rona popped off while hopping to her feet.

  "Ow! Ow!" Violet cringed.

  "What was that Rona?" Buffy asked.

  "I'm dead because he's a vampire. I don't have Slayer strength, Slayer speed- it wasn't a fair fight." The girl pointed out.

  "Right. Think I care if it's a fair fight?" Spike questioned.

  "No! No-No, sir." Violet seemed a bit shaken still. "You don't play by the rules, and I have learned a valuable lesson of some sort. Ow!"

  "Okay, Spike." Buffy tilted her head, and the bleached-blond let the redhead go. "You're right, you don't have Slayer strength, but that doesn't mean that you're not strong. You have inherent abilities others do not have."

  "Not like you do." Molly gave the woman next to her a look.

  "No, not yet. But it's there- you have the potential. You have strength, speed, instinct. You just have to learn to trust yourself. Rona, what did your instincts tell you to do just then?" Buffy turned to one of the girls.

  "Block his attack, keep him off balance, gain the advantage...." She trailed off as I snorted while giving her a look.

  "No, they didn't." I popped off as my ear twitched.

  "Aud, no need to lie detect."


  "....They told me to run." Rona raised her eyebrows.


  "They told me to run." Violet nodded while holding her wrist. "They're still....sorta telling me to run." She threw her gaze at Spike while nervously shifting.

  "Don't fight on his terms. Your gut is telling you to run? Run. Okay, regain the higher ground, make the fight your own." Buffy glanced at each of them while Molly was taking notes. "Spike, what did your instincts tell you to do just then?"

  "Hunt. Kill." He replied.

  "Aud, no demonic advantages." Buffy tossed me a stake, and I caught it while getting to my feet. "Spike, go at her at full speed." I felt my ears and teeth shrink as my tail disappeared while Spike was giving a skeptical look. "He needs to kill to live." Buffy turned her attention back to the potential Slayers as I stepped out. "That tells you everything you need to know."

  Spike's face vamped out, and he gunned it towards me as I tightened my grip on the wooden stake. Growling, the vampire leapt at me, and I spun on one heel to dodge before then driving the back of my leg into his back. The blond crashed into a tombstone, and the impact seemed to have stunned him as he fell to the ground. Straddling him, I held the stake over his heart with a victorious grin on my face.

  "So, even in human form, I can kick your ass." I said lowly.

  "Instinct. Understand his, but trust yours. You were chosen for a reason." Buffy shifted on her feet while turning to fully face the girls.

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