Ch.16: Your reaction

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  "~If I leave here tomorrow,~" Pops was singing as he played his guitar in the living room. "~would you still remember me? Well, I must be traveling on now,~" I listened while making myself a bunch of PB&J sandwiches. "~there's too many places I've got to see. And if I stay here with you, girl....things just couldn't be the same. 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now- Ah!" Pops screamed, and I quickly looked up to see Spike standing with his back to me as he looked at Pops.

  "You know, for someone who's got 'Watcher' on his resume, you might want to cast an eye to the front door every now and again." Spike said before heading to the kitchen. Pops set down his guitar while following him. The vampire opened up the fridge and bent down to look inside.

  "What do you want?" Pops asked, and I began to clean up. Rinsing off the knives in the sink, I turned back to put up the peanut butter.

  "Ah! I knew I left one." Spike held up a bag of blood. "Buffy around?" He asked while going to the microwave.

  "Why?" Pops and I asked at the same time. Going around the vampire pushing buttons, I put the jelly back into the fridge.

  "I need to speak to the lady of the house. Hey, be a pet and give her a message for me, would you? Tell her I just might have something she just might want."

  "And what might that something be?" Giles put his fists onto his hips while giving Spike a look.

  "Information." He paused. "Highly classified." Pops turned away while putting his glasses on. "Not cheap, word-on-the-street prattle, either. I'm talking about the good stuff now."

  "Thrill me." Pops crossed his arms as he sat on a barstool. Spike scoffed, and I picked up one of my sandwiches before taking a bite.

  "It's nothing I know. What, you think I'd come running over saying, 'I've got a secret, beat me till I talk'?" He raised his brows while looking at Pops.

  "Maybe. You are pretty stupid." I said while leaning against the counter.

  "Stuff it, low rider." Spike glanced down at me before looking back to Pops. "There's files in the Initiative. I'm pretty sure I know where." The microwave beeped.

  "Files?" Giles leaned forward, his attention being gained.

  "Yeah, secrets." He bit open the blood bag before grabbing a mug. "Mission statements, design schematics. All of Maggie Walsh's dirty laundry," Spike said as he turned while pouring the blood into the mug. "which I guess would include lots of tidbits about-"

  "Adam." Pops took his glasses off while making a serious face. I just grabbed another sandwich and watched as the vampire tossed the empty blood bag into the sink.

  "Well, yeah. Say someone was to risk his life and limb- well, limb, anyway- to obtain said files, might be worth a little something." He sipped from the mug as Pops gave him a skeptical look.

  "At this point, a cynical person might think that you are offering just what we need when we need it most."

  "That person'd be right, Rupert." Spike smirked. "Supply and demand. And it won't be cheap this time."

  "What do you want?" Giles asked.

  "Please say a black eye and broken nose." I popped off before grabbing another one of my PB&Js. Spike gave me a 'go-to-Hell' look before turning around to set down the mug.

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