Ch.94: Mr. Sandman, yes, bring us a dream

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  After Sunnydale had been wiped from the map, we scattered to various corners of the world. Girls on every continent now possessed the power of a Slayer and were coming into a world they knew nothing of, needing guidance from ones that did. Everyone was moving on slowly but surely, but me, on the other hand....I was inconsolable, left in a depression that hid a building rage within me.

  It was evident in my mourning how much losing a mate affected an Ustrina Augendae, and I wasn't even full-blooded. My humanity was the only thing that saved me, and I was still reticent and detached.

  Well....until I gave in to the fury and left Europe where Buffy and Pops had me with them.


  Exiting the elevator, my face was void of any and all emotion as I calmly walked with determination toward a pair of wooden doors. Slowly inhaling, I made sure I was following the right scent before I nonchalantly raised my foot and kicked the doors in, sending them flying until they smacked against the wall of windows and fell to the ground. I heard gasps behind me as I simply strolled into the office.

  Sliding off my jacket, I flung it to the side and rolled my shoulders.

  "Did we have an appointment?" The brunette male questioned, standing in front of his desk while holding an open file. Without warning, I dropped all concentration on keeping my human form and rushed at him while growling. Pouncing, I knocked him onto the desk, sending papers and files to the floor as I pinned him down.

  "You killed him!" I snarled, seeing the man's eyes widen in surprise as I grabbed the front of his shirt. "You did this!" My hair burst into flames before I pulled my fist back. He was trying to remove the hand now clasped around his throat but was inevitably failing. His head jerked to the side as I punched him, and I reared back for another blow.

  "Angel!" A woman screamed behind me, seeing me repeatedly punching the vampire beneath me on top of his desk. His blood was beginning to cover my knuckles as he simply couldn't get me off of himself due to my brute strength and leverage. "Security!"

  I was snarling and growling, switching out fists as my tail whipped behind me.

  "You killed him! You stupid son-of-a-" I said between hits before I froze at a new voice saying my name.

 "....Aud?" I didn't want to believe my ears as I raised my head, and Angel coughed up blood as I still held him down. "Oh, my God, are you wailin' on-" My eyes watered as I heard him chuckle and looked over my shoulder.

  Without saying a word, I slid off of the desk, letting the brunette go as security guards flooded the room. Off to the side, I even saw the woman that had screamed as I hesitantly stepped toward the man in the center of the room.

  "How can you people be so cruel?" My voice cracked. "What magic is this? Stop it!" I was crying yet again that day and fell to my knees.

  "Wha- No! No, no, Aud, it's actually me!" The visage of Spike waved his hands as he looked down at me, and the tears only came harder as I gazed into those blue eyes.

  "Stop it....please....I can't-" I choked on my own words as I raised my hands to cover my mouth. "You people are sick and sadistic! Stop this!"

 "No, love, listen to me!" Spike's face twisted with pain as he crouched in front of me. "Shh, pet, it's all right." He reached out a hand to touch my cheek, but I felt nothing, and he seemed to be in more pain as he pulled his hand back.

  "....Spike, do you know her?" The woman cautiously stepped toward me.

  "Of course, I bloody know her, she's-"

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