⛓Ch.57: Who is the fly in your champagne⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk.*
[Contains: Exophilia, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding]

  "I'm telling you. I think there's something about this thing." Buffy said as we were leaving the Magic Box. Anya turned to lock up the shop as we stood there waiting.

  "Well, I don't know, Buff. It seems like we've been through every book."

  "Yeah, even the ones that weren't so boring you wanted to kill yourself." Anya smiled as we were walking away from the magic shop.

  "We have those?"

  "I'm just saying, all the things that have happened lately. Okay, the-the bank robbery, the jewelry heist."

  "Exploding lint."

  "Is it me or do these things seem really-"

  "Lame?" The ex-demon suggested.

  "Well, I was gonna go with unusual, but yeah." Buffy nodded. "I don't know." She shrugged. "We'll do a quick patrol tonight, and after a good night's sleep, we can solve this tomorrow." The Slayer looked at each of us.

  "Optimism. I remember optimism." Anya nodded.

  "That's because you're, like, a thousand." Xander popped off.

  "Goodnight, guys." I smiled at the couple turning away.

  "Night." Everyone said before we went our separate ways.

  "So, how do you wanna do it this time? Work our way through town and meet up at the cemetery, or start at the cemetery and work our way to town?" I asked.

  "Well, we're already here, so I'll meet you in the cemetery." Buffy waved as she went down a different street than I did. She always took the more populated parts of town since she didn't have to worry about exposing any inhuman body parts. Putting my hands into my pants pockets, I went down an alley. Most things that go bump in the night lurked in alleys, anyhow.

  'And speak of the devil....' I thought as Spike stood in front of me.


  "So my night is complete."

  "You never showed."

  "Sorry, I was busy actually doing stuff." I popped off while walking past him.

  "You shouldn't be so flip, love."

  "What are you gonna do, walk behind me to death?"

  "I'm just saying things might be a little different." Spike stepped in front of me to stop me from walking. "You ought to be careful."

  "Whatever." I rolled my eyes while trying to go around him. The blond stepped back into my path. "Get the Hell out of my way." Glaring, I saw him looking down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "Or what?" In the blink of an eye, I hit him. Not too hard because he couldn't fight back, just hard enough for him to get the idea to leave me be. He glared at me before socking me in the jaw.

  "Oh, the pain, the pain....is gone." Spike said with a mocking tone. "Guess what I just found out?" He asked as I stared wide-eyed at him. 'He shouldn't be able to hit me....' "Looks like I'm not as toothless as you thought, sweetheart."


  "Don't you get it? Don't you see? You came back wrong." After he said that, I just felt something snap. I swung a fist, making him stumble back as he was chuckling. I kicked the vampire, sending him further down the alley. The next punch I threw, he caught and counterattacked. I ran into a fence and turned around, looking at him as he was panting and grinning.

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