Ch.46: Whose got the body and whose got the brain

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    In the cemetery, Buffy looked at me as she shifted on her feet while putting her hands into her pockets.

  "You wanna split up, cover more ground?" She asked, and I shrugged. " take that way, I'll go this way." She pointed out directions before walking off. Sighing, I scratched my arm while looking around. Going off in the way Buffy had pointed out for me, I looked out for demons. After a while, though, I kind of got lost in my head, and I found myself standing outside of a familiar crypt. Walking inside felt like such a natural action, and I glanced around.

  It looked very different on the inside than I remembered.

  "Aud." Turning around, I saw the messy-haired Spike. "You should be careful. You never know what kind of villain's got a knife at your back." I saw the machete in his hand and stuffed my hands into my back pockets.

  "Your hand is hurt...." I mumbled, my voice still feeling a bit raw.

  "Hmm." He looked down at it. "I'd say the same to you, but you heal pretty quickly."

  "Yeah." Looking down at the ground, I shifted on my feet. There was a silent pause before he walked to the other side of the crypt and set down the blade.

  "Willow's gettin' pretty strong, isn't she?" The vampire looked back at me. "Bringin' both you and Buffy back. It's hard to get a good night's death around her." He smirked while trying to crack a joke. "You can sit down. I got furniture." He pointed, and I sat down. "You should see the downstairs too. It's quite posh." Looking at him, he walked over and sighed as he sat down across from me. "Uh, I do remember what I said. The protect them. If I'd have done that, even if I didn't make it.... Buffy wouldn't have had to jump, and you wouldn't have gotten-" He cut himself off while shaking his head.

  "But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but after that." He swallowed. "Every night after that." Spike looked up at me. "I'd see it all again. I do somethin' different. Faster, more clever, you know? Dozens of times, lots of different ways. Every night, I save you." Looking at my hands, I didn't really know what to say. Standing up, I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "What are you-" He cut himself off as I cut my palm with my fangs. Putting my bleeding hand over his knuckles, I looked him in the eye.

  "You took care of Dawn when you could, and even if you couldn't save Buffy, you made sure that Dawn was safe. And that," I paused while giving a soft smile. "is what I thank you for." Letting go of his hand, I stepped back as my ear twitched. "I gotta go now, Buffy's calling." Spike didn't say anything, but I felt his eyes lingering on me as I left.


  After a little walking around with Buffy, we decided to just head home. The Slayer led the way into the house and up the stairs. She said she wanted to go to bed and that she was tired, so she went to her room, leaving me standing in the hallway for a few seconds alone. I decided to go to my own room, but as soon as I stepped in, I heard a faint whisper.

  "You don't belong here." Turning, I saw a ghostly figure coming at me. I instinctively threw a fist, but my hand went right through. However, when the thing struck back, it was a solid hit, and I flew back into my dresser. Snarling as I got back to my feet, I looked for the white wisp until it appeared, circling me. Every time I tried to fight back, my attack would just pass right through while it was able to land solid hits. I could hear shuffling and thuds from the other room as it sounded like Buffy was fighting as well.

  "Did they tell you you belonged here?" I pushed myself off the floor as my tail began to sway. "Did they say this was your home again? Where you offered pretty lies, little beast?" Growling, I watched the smoke-like being float around. "Or did they even give you a choice?" Suddenly, the thing had its arms around me from behind and was squeezing. Then, it began to feel more solid, and I pulled myself from its grip.

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