Ch.101: Mr Sandman, bring us, please, please, please

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  "Hardest part of the job is terminating an employee." I heard Gunn say as some people with a body bag stepped into the elevator as I was stepping out.

  "Once again, keeping corporate America safe from evil." The blond vampire in front of me popped off as I watched a guy walk by with a demon's head in his hands.

  "Spike! Aud!"

  "I was wonderin' when you two would turn up."

  "Where have y'all been? It's been days!" Fred asked while looking at us.

  "Out enjoying freedom from my ghostly confines." Spike smiled while putting his hands into his pockets.

  "There hasn't been any side effects since you recorporealized, have there?"

  "Had a bit of a hangover, but that's to be expected after all the drinking."

  "Like a dumbass." I piped up.

  "Mm. But we just thought we'd swing by and say our final farewells."

  "You're leaving?" Wesley furrowed his brows while crossing his arms.

  "You catch on quick, don't you? Yeah, thought we'd push off, seeing as how low-rider here just ran off." Spike pointed his thumb at me, and I rubbed the back of my neck.

  "I'm not sure that's wise given the Shanshu prophecy is still unresolved." The ex-Watcher stated.

  "That's your problem, mate. You're welcome to that heroic destiny." The blond waved his hand in Angel's direction. "Whether you deserve it or not. Me, I've got better things to do than wait around for the four bloody horsemen." He turned to walk away but only got two steps before Wesley spoke.


  "Let him go."

  "Yeah, here's the thing." Spike turned back and looked at Angel. "Could use a little walkin'-around money. How 'bout a few hundred?"

  "How 'bout, no?"

  "Typical, you cheap sod. Right, then. Settle for some wheels."

  "If it's gonna get you out of here faster, fine. Just not the Viper."

  "Viper it is, then. Any messages for Buffy or the old man?"

  "Tell them you're a moron." Angel replied while going to his office, and Spike shook his head.

  "Well, bon voyage, Spikester. Don't be a stranger." Lorne gestured before looking at me and smiling. "You, too, Snowflake. Gonna miss you and that crazy 'coon tail." The green demon gave me a hug, and I could tell he was being honest. Letting him go, he went on to get back to work.

  "Fred." Spike turned to the brunette. "I want you to know, uh, I mean, all that work you put in tryin' to, you know, cure me of the ghosties."

  "I didn't do anything." She shook her head while smiling.

  "Oh, you did. You....You believed in.... I mean, you tried. I won't forget that."

  "You're welcome." Fred nodded before I gave her a big hug.

  "Seriously, Fred, if you ever need some ass-kicking done, I'll be here in a heartbeat." She seemed surprised that I had hugged her, but reciprocated the action while chuckling.

  "Thanks, Aud, but-"

  "No buts. You need me, you call. No hesitation."

  "Why do I feel like you like her more than me?"

  "Shut up, Spike. And you, Wesley." I turned to the ex-Watcher and threw my arms out. "If you hadn't have been here, who knows what would have happened. Also, thanks for letting me crash in your office and just being there for me." I hugged him as well, and he pat my back.

  "It was good to see you grew into such a fine person. More human than some people."

  "Ah, fuck, I think I might tear up."

  "Oh, don't do that. This goodbye is only temporary. You can visit whenever, you know."

  "Like Lorne said, don't be a stranger." Fred added.


  "You think it'll be awkward showin' up after months with me in tow?" Spike questioned with one hand on the steering wheel while trying to find something to listen to on the radio.

  "Honestly....I don't know." I sighed, rubbing my forehead while glancing out the tinted window. "Like I've said, I was in a bad place when I just up and disappeared on them. The last they saw of me.... It's good enough reason to worry."

  "What about that letter?"

  "A letter is different from actually seeing or hearing from me. Not to mention, hey, you're alive and fleshy again. God, I hope Pops doesn't have a heart attack when we show up."

  "You really think he would?"

  "Well, he's not exactly a spring chicken anymore and, I repeat, you're alive. In a manner of speaking." Spike finally settled on a channel, and I leaned back in my seat. There was a pause, and I felt Spike glance at me.

  "Love, if you're not ready, we can wait."


  "Well, you're stinkin' up the Viper with stress."

  "Sorry." Sighing, I began to gather up my hair to put it back. "It's's a lot. Not just for me, but for them as well. I have to go back sometime, and sooner is better than later."

  "Whatever you say, pet."

  "Wait, how are we gonna get there? You don't have a passport or anything." There was a pause, and I could see the gears turning in Spike's head.

  "It might take longer, but we could just get a couple of boat tickets."

  "Yeah, that'll work." I nodded, and we fell quiet while listening to the radio. However, the longer Spike drove, the more nervous I became.

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