Ch.89: Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over

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  Running through the cemetery, I was trying to find Spike after he had run off to catch a vampire that had escaped while we were exterminating a nest on patrol. Leaping over a tombstone like it was a hurdle rather than going around it saved me some time, and I was finding a little relief in the chase. The potentials had tonight off from training, so Buffy, Spike, and I were out on patrol while the girls were having a much-needed break.

  Hearing the distinct sound of punching, I jumped onto a cross and propelled myself off of it to get more air. Looking down, I saw some brunette knocking Spike to the ground.

  "My turn!" I crashed right into the female, sending us both to the ground while trying to get the upper hand on the other. In the end, I had the advantage and got her in a headlock while still on the ground and trapped one of her hands with my tail while pinning her legs down with my own hooked over her thighs.

  "Aud! Wrong bird!" Spike called out while getting to his feet before checking his busted lip.

  "Wha- You're a human." I let the confusion show on my face as I finally paid attention to the woman's scent.

  "Aud, let Faith go." Buffy came walking up, seeming amused by what she saw.

  "Faith?" Looking down at the grunting and struggling brunette, my face then lit up with recognition. "Oh! Faith!" Quickly letting her go, she scrambled to her feet and eyed us.

  "You're fighting with demons? Are you the bad Slayer now? Am I the good Slayer now?" Faith pointed at herself while furrowing her brows.

  "They're with me. He has a soul and Aud's....Aud."

  "Wait, like Angel?" The other Slayer pointed at Spike.

  "No." The vampire said quickly.

  "Sort of."

  "I'm nothing like Angel."

  "He fights on my side. Which is more than I can say for some of us." Buffy crossed her arms.

  "Yeah, well, if he's so good, what's he doing chasing down defenseless-" Faith was cut off as she was tackled by a vampire.

  "That's one of the bad guys."

  "Should make 'em wear a sign." The brunette jumped to her feet and kicked the blonde undead in the face. Standing on the other side of Buffy, we just watched Faith and the female vampire fight it out until the brunette took the stake from Buffy's holster to finish the job.

  "Angel's dull as a table lamp, and we have very different coloring." Spike shifted on his feet.

  "Okay. Catching up. And who exactly are you and how do you fit in?" Faith turned to me, and I pointed.

  "We met once before briefly. I'm Giles's daughter."

  "....You got to be shittin' me, Giles got it on with a demon? I guess he's not so-"

  "I'm adopted. Still half human though, just....not actually his."

  "And what the Hell are you? I gotta say, took me by surprise with how fast you had me pinned." Faith waved her hands while raising her eyebrows as she looked me up and down.

  "Ustrina Augendae- different dimension, yada-yada-ya, don't touch her food, and watch out for the fire breath, and you'll be fine." Buffy tilted her head.

  "Anything else I need to know?"

  "Nice to have you back."


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