⛓Ch.104: When you're singled out⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Vaginal Fingering, Scratching, Feral Behavior, Marking]

  "Made the biggest mistake of your life, and I'm gonna make you pay."

  "Oh, really?"

  "Yeah, really."

  "Bring it, old man."

  "Feel my wrath!"

  "The only thing I'll be feeling is victory." I retorted, and not even a second later, the screen declared Spike's defeat.

  "Bloody Hell. Rematch." I chuckled while pulling my legs up onto the couch, sitting criss-cross while holding the X-box controller in my hand. Spike was still in recovery from getting his hands chopped off, and playing video games was his physical therapy as it required him to use eye-hand coordination and practice the movement of his fingers.

  "You should really learn to knock, not everyone quite likes you here." I popped off, not even looking away from the screen as I knew Doyle was standing in the doorway.

  "Come on, is that any way to talk to your benefactor?" The human strutted over and plopped down on the couch between the vampire and I. "Just a little concerned about you. You haven't been out in the field lately." He turned to Spike just as I won another round.

  "In case you haven't been keepin' up with the sports pages, I got my bloody hands hacked off by that deranged Slayer you sent us after."

  "Yeah. Sorry about that. But, hey, good ol' buddies at Wolfram & Hart managed to reattach 'em just fine, huh? You sit around here and play video games."

  "Rehab, mate." Spike replied, and I got up to go get a drink. Stepping over the controller cords, I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Workin' out the digits. You got no idea how rotten this feels."

  "Oh, amazingly enough, I do. Yeah. Got my hand cut off a few years back. Line of duty. So believe me when I tell you, I can feel your pain."

  "Half of it anyway." I popped off while pouring myself a glass of juice.

  "Don't forget you've both got a job to do. The Powers That Be are countin' on their champion. So are all the other helpless people-"

  "Don't need a pep-talk, Doyle. I already plan on goin' out. You just get one of your visions and tell me when and where."

  "Someone's antsy to get out."

  "That's what I like to hear." The human grinned, and his phone rang, making him get up and step out to answer it.

  "Come on. You stupid game! Bloody pathetic." Spike tossed down the controller as I was walking back, and I saw that he lost even in a match by himself.

  "No need to be moody. Just accept the fact that you suck at video games." I popped off, and the blond shot me a look.

  "I'll show you who sucks at video games. Pick up that controller, short stack." Spike gestured at the second player controller before snatching his up off the floor. Chuckling, I set my cup down on the end table as I sat back down.

  "Put your coat and shoes on, kiddies. Got a job to do." Doyle smiled as he stepped back into the apartment.

  "Guess you'll just have to show me later."


  Peeking around the corner, I checked to make sure the coast was clear before turning back to Spike.

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