Ch.73: Yeah it's over yeah

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  Running down the hall, I nearly slid right past Buffy's door with how fast I was going. She was screaming, and I nearly ripped the door from the hinges going in. She was sleeping, but I had no clue what she could possibly be dreaming about to make her scream like that.

  "Buffy! Buffy!" I shook her as Dawn ran in. "Buffy, wake up!" She opened her eyes and looked a little confused as she sat up.

  "I heard screaming." She tiredly mumbled.

  "That was you." Dawn sat on the edge of the bed.

  "There was a girl."

  "That would be me."

  "Uh, no. It was...."

  "A dream. It was just a dream, right?" Dawn asked.

  "From beneath you, it devours."

  "What?" My tail twitched.

  "Th-That's what she said, and then they.... There's more like her....out there, somewhere." Buffy looked at the windows and threw off her blankets. "And they're gonna die." She stated so calmly while standing by the window.


  "Could you die? Cause seriously, speaking for everybody who are me in the car right now, we're very excited." Dawn was grinning in the back seat, and I chuckled. "I mean, it's just so cool! You're coming to school with me, like, actually coming to school with me rather than working outside. You'll be there, like, the whole time." She paused. "You understand that you can't talk to me, look at me, or hang out with any of my friends, right?"

  "Unless you do something wrong, I doubt I'd see you at all."

  "Why, because you're dealing with troubled kids?"

  "At a spanking new Hellmouth High. See, Aud, you're finally getting that high school experience. But, please, outside of drugs, violence, and unwanted pregnancy, and, uh, unleashing hordes of Armageddon that comes pouring from its foundation every now and then, what trouble could these kids have?"

  "Guess I'll find out."

  "Those kids are damn lucky to have a friend I care for there just for them. I hope they appreciate it." Xander added.


  "We sort of feel our way around." Robin said while opening the door for me.

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Some students will be sent to you, and others, I'm hoping, will start to come in on their own."

  "Should I be worried if they don't?"

  "You'll be surprised, Aud, you're the youngest and, uh, least stuffy member of this faculty." He kind of eyed my band tee and ripped jeans. "The students will want to come in here and talk to you, and when they do, don't evaluate them, just listen. They need to feel like there's someone around them that understands them."

  "Well, I'm a great listener." I smiled while looking at the desk space I was led to.

  "Now remember, while you are here to help, you're not here to be their friend. Trust me. You open that door and these students will eat you alive." Robin gave me a look, and I pointed.

  "You heard about that one principal, right?" I asked, referring to the one that literally got eaten by the students. Robin's eyes flashed with confusion. "Never mind."

  "Okay then, and, Aud- relax." He leaned on the cubicle wall as the bell rang. "There's only three things these kids understand: The boot, the bat, the bastinado." He chuckled while I sat down at the desk. "....It's a bad joke with the bastinado, no one ever knows what that thing is." He awkwardly looked away.

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