Ch.80: Give him two lips like roses and clover

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  Crouched beside the wooden chair Spike sat in, I tightened the knot on the rope holding his forearm down before moving to the other side.

  "We'll get to the bottom of this." I sighed. "We just can't take any chances."



  "Make it tighter or the knots will give." He gestured with his head to the rope. "If I get free, someone's gonna die." So I tightened the rope without saying anything else.

  I didn't really sleep at all that night, I just sat up in bed and read the journal. It was interesting to read about these creatures and things from the islands of my people, and to find out that my demon half came from such a complex yet primitive culture was astounding.

  It was primitive because of the lack of advanced technology and....clothes. The most clothing I'd seen drawn on Ustrina in here was a loincloth and a headdress made from skulls, feathers, shells, and even bug parts. There was a hierarchy present here much like wolf packs, the strongest would lead, and the weakest were left to perform menial tasks for the clan. Each island had a different clan or two, but all were run the same way with very few differences.

  They were also complex because, my God, it was not simplistic at all. There were so many things to these demons and only more as I wasn't even halfway through the journal.

  However, as night waned into day, Spike began to show signs of withdrawal due to the lack of blood. He hadn't really slept much either and was shaking and clenching his jaw. He looked paler than usual and was clammy as he dug his nails into the arms of the chair.

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked him while sitting on the end of my bed.

  "I think you should probably go." His voice was strained as he turned away. Hardly a second passed before he was suddenly feral and trying to break free, baring his fangs at me while growling.


  "Yo, why do I smell-" I cut myself off, seeing the grown man tied to a chair in Dawn's room.

  "Hi, Aud." Xander waved.

  "Willow found this pipsqueak at the butcher's shop. We're now going to beat information out of him." Anya smiled enthusiastically, and I simply blinked.

  "Have fun with that." And I walked away while stuffing my sandwich into my mouth.

  "Aud, we got the blood." Buffy came up the stairs while holding a paper bag full of plastic bags containing pig's blood. "....How are you hanging in there?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean....with Spike and everything...." She glanced at my bedroom door while handing me the bag.

  "I'm okay. I'm not the best, but I'm okay." I said lowly, still able to hear Spike struggling in the chair.

  "And the journal?"

  "Riveting. I'm learning a lot. And the windows?"

  "Xander had Dawn helping him out with it until Andrew came in. It's put on hold for now." Buffy nodded.

  "I see. Well, I better get some food into that overgrown tic before he tries to bite himself." I sighed, carrying the bag in one hand while holding my sandwich in the other.

  "Yell if you need me."

  "I will." I bit into the sandwich to free a hand so that I could open the door, and Spike seemed to tug harder at the ropes as I shut the door. Setting the bag onto the nightstand, I grabbed one of the blood bags and walked over to the vampire. He was growling and snapping, but I simply held the bag by his face and he just bit into it.

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