Ch.87: Make him the cutest that I've ever seen

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  "You'd think after all you ate last night you wouldn't be hungry so soon." Dawn popped off as I was pouring myself some cereal.

  "Huh?" I handed the box to one of the potentials before picking up the milk.

  "Do you not remember?" Willow furrowed her brows while making herself some cereal as well.

  "Memory is kinda hazy after the portal opened. Why?"

  "You had Spike up almost all night making you pancakes. I actually felt bad for him a little."

  "You actually threatened to bite him when he tried to stop." Dawn popped off.

  "And cried until he crumbled up bacon into the pancakes." Xander plucked up a box from the island, and I covered my face with my hand while groaning.

  "Please tell me the crying is an exaggeration." I said.

  "Started off as complaining, escalated to whining like a dog, and then full-blown tears while blubbering about how he must be mad at you and yada-yada-ya. It was very amusing watching Spike trying to console you and make bacon while getting popped." Xander smiled while nodding.

  "Who the Hell has the low-fat milk?" Rona asked while standing in front of the open fridge.

  "Morning in Sunnydale, and the women of command central take the time to fortify themselves for the day ahead." Andrew came into the kitchen, holding up the camcorder while potentials were coming in and out to make their breakfast.


  "Women and Xander." Andrew aimed the camera at the human male. "Hey, I'm going to do your special intro later- 'The Man Who is the Heart of the Slayer Machine.'"

  "Yeah? The heart?" Xander smiled.

  "Things are tense in command central this morning." Andrew started moving around the kitchen as I began to stuff my face with cereal. "Buffy is purely concerned with some unknown danger, and the air is filled with foreboding."

  "Oh, um, we're out of Raisin Bran." Dawn spoke up while drying off a bowl.

  "I'll put it on the list." Anya replied.

  "That's....probably not the....unknown danger."

  "Look at this place. Damn girls' dorm is what it is." Spike popped off as he came in with Buffy right behind him.

  "That's nice. Second-hand stinkiness." Dawn nodded as she put a pan onto the stove. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the vampire lighting a cigarette while leaning on the wall.

  "Full house." Andrew went on.

  "Not inside, you twit. Not everyone is undead." Snatching the cigarette from between his lips, I crushed it in my hand, snuffing it out before dumping it into the trash can.

  "Did you just call me a twit?"

  "I think it's time to do some introductions, don't you, gentle viewers?" Andrew was now standing in front of Amanda.

  "I'm Amanda, and I grew up right here-" She smiled and waved at the camera.

  "Not you, sweetheart." The scrawny male turned toward Buffy as she was pouring herself some cereal. "Let's start from the top." Andrew sighed. "You've already met Buffy. She's beautiful, with a lion's heart an-and a face of an angel. She's never afraid because she knows her side will always win." I rose a brow at him while scooping the last of my cereal into my mouth.

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