Ch.93: Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream

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  "So, where's Tall, Dark, and Forehead?" Spike popped off as Buffy came downstairs. He was relaxing on the cot while I was striking at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

  "You can smell him?"

  "Yeah, that, and I also used my enhanced vampire eyeballs to see you kissing him."

  "It was hello."

  "Most people don't use their tongues to say hello." I rose my eyebrows at the blonde while stopping the punching bag from swinging. "Or, well, they do, but-"

  "There were no tongues." Buffy said defensively.


  "He's gone." She shot me a look, and I smirked.

  "Oh, just popped by for a quickie, then?"

  "Spike!" I looked over my shoulder at him, and he just raised his shoulders.

  "What?" The vampire then pointed. "He wears lifts, ya know."

  "One of these days I'm gonna put you two in a room and let you wrestle it out." Buffy shook her head while crossing her arms.

  "No problem at this end."

  "Maybe there could be oil of some kind involved."

  "Aud!" Buffy looked at me as did Spike, and they both seemed shocked.

  "He may have a brow like a neanderthal, but he wasn't that bad looking. Not to mention seeing Spike all-"

  "Ew-kay, please go no further." Buffy cringed, making me chuckle. "Anyways, I'm here because of this." She held up a necklace with a large jewel set in some sort of metal. "Angel said only someone with a soul that's more than human can wear it."

  "....Does that mean I gotta wear it? What's it do?" I asked, furrowing my brows as I went to stand next to the Slayer. Spike got to his feet to get a closer look as well.

  "Angel was going to wear it."

  "That means I'm the qualified party then." Spike sighed.

  "It's volatile."

  "Hold up, what?" I raised my hand as Buffy was looking right at the vampire.

  "You'll need someone strong to bear it then." Spike had a certain tone in his voice.

  "Hey, wait, I've got a soul, I'm more than human, and I'm pretty strong. I don't feel comfortable letting-"

  "I'm sorry, Aud, but you enhance magic, and we don't know what this thing really does. I can't take the risk of you wearing it and something going horribly wrong." Buffy gave me a serious look.


  "I'll be fine, pet. What's a little trinket gonna do to me?" Spike asked, holding out his hand to take the necklace.

  "Angel said the amulet was meant to be worn by a champion." The Slayer said lowly, gently setting the necklace into Spike's hand.

  "Been called a lot of things in my time." The vampire mumbled, and I chewed the inside of my cheek. Suddenly, I heard the basement door fly open and someone quickly coming down the stairs.

  "Guys! You won't believe this!" Faith had an excited tone as she halted at the bottom of the stairs, some food hanging out of her mouth as she was waving a familiar journal in her hand. "Oh, hey, B." She jerked up her chin in a greeting before looking at Spike and I. "So, you left your little journal on the nightstand, and I got a little bored and a little curious, and kinda flipped through it."

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