Ch.31: Hot temptations

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  "Here. I'll get that. Sorry." Buffy said while taking all the chip and snack bags out of a chair. She had sort of nested in the living room after Riley had left, and I didn't dare disturb her....whatever it was called by cleaning it up. There were even a few take-out containers still on the coffee table.

  "It's okay, Buffy. It's just us." Tara said as all of the Scoobies were gathered in the living room, sitting on the couch and various chairs. While Buffy was picking up a few things, however, she found a sweater.

  "That must've belonged to, uh-" Xander began, but cut himself off when he saw the way Buffy was looking at it. "Um, aren't we supposed to have a meeting?"

  "Uh, yes, yes. We're here for a reason." Pops took off his glasses. "Um, I've had some rather- Um, I've had some news." He leaned on the mantle. "It seems the council of Watchers has....found some information that may help us out."

  "About Glory?" Buffy asked as she sat down.

  "Presumably. We'll find that out when they arrive. Could be very important."

  "Arrive?" Buffy raised her brows.

  "They're coming here?" I asked while looking at Pops.

  "Now? W-W-Why do they have to come here?" Buffy questioned.

  "Yeah, don't they have phones?" Xander then mocked an English accent. "'Allo, Buffy. Here's some stuff we know. Pip pip."

  "Yeah! Phones. See, I'd like them on phones."

  "W-Well, what's so bad about them coming here? Aren't they good guys?" Tara looked confused. "I mean, Watchers. That's just like other Gileses, right?"

  "Yeah! They're scary and horrible!" Buffy said, and Pops made a face.

  "Um, well, they can appear a bit, well, um, hard-nosed, but essentially their agenda is the same as ours. They want to save the world and kill demons."

  "Including me every now and then." I joked.

  "Kill the current demons, right? Current demons." Anya asked.

  "Giles, I don't want them to come here. I don't trust them. Make them not come here." Buffy looked at Giles.

  "They're probably already on their way." Pops looked around. "O-Our old friend Quentin Travers is heading up the delegation."

  "They put me through that test and almost killed me. An-And when I was Faith, they almost killed me again." Buffy stated. "Honestly, I really can't handle almost being killed right now."

  "I don't like the sound of this. They don't sound very ex-demon compatible." Anya looked around.

  "Are you sure they're English?" Tara asked. "I thought English people were, uh, gentler....than normal people."

  "Tara, Spike's English." I stated. "And he's an asshole."

  "Maybe it won't be so bad this time. I mean, Buffy, they did think you were Faith last time. Now that they know you're just you, maybe they won't care enough to kill you." Willow grinned.

  "It's not just that. They're going to screw everything up. I-It's a delicate time right now. I have to take care of Dawn-"

  "But that's not new. You've always taken care of her." Xander waved a hand.

  "Right. Right. I-I know that. It's just, there's Glory, and I don't need the Council looking over my shoulder when I don't even know what we're dealing with."

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