Ch.67: Oh well you know you'll never find an easy way

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  "Buffy, it's hideous." Willow said lowly. "Oh, my God, Buffy. Look at its arms!" I could hear the rain hitting the roof and windows outside.

  "I know. But it's my duty. I'm Buffy the Bridesmaid." The two looked so horrified while gazing into the mirror at the green dresses they wore. I, on the other hand, stood in the doorway, grumpy as Hell after being forced into this jade toxicity.

  "Duty, schmoody. I'm supposed to be best-man, shouldn't I be all- Oh, God, Aud!" Willow finally noticed me.

  "Maybe if I ask Anya, I can still go with the traditional blood larva and burlap." I grumbled.

  "What was she thinking?" Willow groaned, and I glared at the giant flower on the breast of the dress.

  "I'm thinking she's probably too stressed to be thinking right now. What, with Xander's relatives and her....demons." Buffy sat on the edge of her bed.

  "Oh, my God, last night at the rehearsal dinner. That was like a-a zoo without the table manners, and I bet it got worse after we left." Willow cringed.

  "I just can't believe everybody bought that story about Anya's people being circus folk. I mean, did you see the guy with the tentacles? What's he supposed to be? Inky the Squid Boy?"

  "And Xander's family- haven't seen them that bad since my Bat Mitzvah. Ugh, did you see how much they drank?"

  "Kinda. Mr. Harris threw up in my purse." Buffy mumbled as I tried to walk.

  "This is ridiculous. I can't run in this thing, I can't kick, I can't anything! Now I know how a noodle in a straw feels."

  "A what?"

  "Oh!" I spun, seeing Anya in her silk robe while covering her mouth. "Oh." She sighed, dropping her hands while looking at us. "You guys look so beautiful!" The ex-demon grinned while swooping in and grabbing us in a group hug. "This is the happiest day of my whole life!" She said right before thunder shook the air and lightning lit the room. "Also, I'm rather glad you changed your hair color again. That baby blue would not have looked good with this green, honestly."

  "Well, I was missing my silver." I replied. "....Do I really have to wear-"


  "Wonderful." Sighing, I closed my eyes for a second.


  "Oh, what's that?" I asked Dawn as a tall demon handed her a box covered in holes with a blue ribbon on top.

  "It's- ....Halfrek." The little Summers had her attention taken by the Vengeance Demon in a matching jade dress.

  "Oh, please! Call me Hallie, we're practically family now!" She waved a hand.

  "My word, if I wasn't mistaken, I'd say you're an Ustrina Augendae!" The tall demon with four horns standing in front of Dawn was now looking at me as Dawn quickly handed me the box that now had some tentacle sticking out of it and waving around.

  "Ew." She mumbled.

  "No, I am. Well, half." I replied, getting a good hold on the box to where the squirming tentacle was on the opposite side.

  "Let me get a good look at you." He gently smiled while Halfrek and Dawn were simply watching the whole thing play out. His claws gently scraped my skin as he cupped my cheeks and raised my face. "Pale for your kind, but healthy overall. I'm assuming your hair is dyed, yes? Did you inherit the Ustrina or human hair?"

  "Ustrina." I replied while letting him tilt my head from one side to the other.

  "My, my, to have established such a human form at this age is brilliant. But that may be due to your human blood. How much of your demon form is affected by it, if you don't mind me asking?"

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