Ch.23: Hot temptations

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    Out on patrol with Buffy, we quickly found the graves of newly turned vampires, and I couldn't help but mentally laugh when Buffy was on top of a crypt doing the Batman crouch. But it was really cool when she jumped off and took out a vampire before it could even get its head above ground. When the second one came up, it leapt at me, and I roundhouse kicked it, making it roll back towards Buffy. She got in a few punches, then kicked it. Before the vampire could come back though, Riley jumped in.

  "Riley?" Buffy looked confused. 'Okay, so she didn't invite him to patrol....' I thought.

  "Buffy. What are you doing here?" He smiled at the Slayer.

  "My job." She replied.

  "Well, I just thought you were in the north sector."

  "Watch out!" Buffy called out, but Riley handled the vampire as if it was nothing. "Never mind." When a third vampire was rising, Buffy and I got ready to attack, but Spike tackled it out of nowhere. "Why do I even bother to show up?"

  "Because the Slayer jig is a calling and you gotta...." I looked at her. "Wait a minute-" I turned back as confusion grew on my features.

  "Spike, what are you doing here?" Buffy asked.

  "Same reason as you and your Cub Scouts here, I wager." Spike replied while beating up the other vampire. "Wanted a spot of violence before bedtime." Then, the other vampire knocked Spike onto his ass with a well-placed punch. The English undead stood up while wiping the blood from his nose and sniffing.

  When the other vampire went to attack Spike, I pushed him out of the way while letting Buffy stake it. I would have gotten it myself, but she was looking a little antsy with her other kills getting interfered with. Spike glanced down at me before looking up at Buffy. She rolled her eyes and he furrowed his brows.

  "What? I softened him up." Spike told Buffy while wiping more blood from his nose.

  "You better keep out of my way, Spike. I'm not gonna take this much longer." Buffy glared at him while he was sucking the blood off his hand.

  "And I should do what with my spare time? Sit at home knittin' cunning sweater sets?"

  "Would it keep you out of my way?" Buffy tilted her head.

  "She's right." Riley said while standing next to the Slayer. "You shouldn't be out here when she's patrolling." He put his hands into his pockets. Buffy gave him a look, and my eyes widened a bit at her expression.

  "Oh! I saw that." Spike pointed at the short blonde while taking a step closer. "Looks like neither boy is entirely welcome. You should take him home, Slayer, make him stay there." Spike then looked to Riley. "I got knittin' needles he can borrow." He smirked.

  "Shut up, blood-breath." I said while pushing him back a bit.

  "Let me guess, you're not welcomed either?"

  "No, I was patrolling with Buffy." I crossed my arms.

  "Oh, is it a girls' night out?" Spike raised his brows.

  "Spike, I just saw you taste your own nose blood. You know what? I'm too grossed out to hear anything you have to say. Go home." Buffy then walked away, and I saw the attitude growing on her face. Riley followed after, but I just stood there. I think I might have been in a little shock- I mean, Buffy usually invited Riley to patrol with her. Why was she upset about him showing up now?

  "It's blood. It's what I do." Spike shouted as they left. "Hey, isn't a dog supposed to follow its master?" The vampire pointed in the direction Buffy and Riley had gone.

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