Ch.103: They say freak

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  "I have no problem tracking." I huffed while crossing my arms as I stood in the elevator next to Spike. "I really don't."


  "It's just....he made it seem like I'm just a sniffer dog!"

  "Well, your not."

  "I'm not some bloodhound, okay?" I was still sort of ranting to the blond because of an encounter with Doyle not too long ago. I understood with Doyle being human, he just wouldn't understand everything about a demon- or in this case a half-demon- but he had spoken as if Spike and I were a K-9 unit with me as the dog. He didn't say it outright of course, but still....

  "Love, you're a predator. The wee man pisses you off, just bloody eat him." Spike popped off, and I gave him a look. "Joking, joking."

  "Very funny." I said flatly as the elevator doors opened.

  "Oh. Well, fancy this." Spike chuckled as we stepped out while coming out of the elevator right next to us was Angel. "Bitty slug we saved you from scramble your brains after all? Come to check yourself in?"

  "What are you doing here, Spike?" Angel questioned while following the signs to the nurse's station while the blond and I followed him.

  "Didn't get the memo? Hero of the people now." Spike replied, and I was looking around as I could smell a wide range of things from antiseptic to generic hospital soap.

  "Then go and annoy them."

  "When we're done. Heard one of the simples went for a stroll."

  "And I'll get her back, without your help. Or yours." Angel added while looking over his shoulder at me.

  "Goody for you, 'cause not offering it."

  "Look, shouldn't you be out in the streets, protecting the city from....people like you?" Angel paused while looking at the bent-up and busted gate door.

  "We go where we're needed."

  "Which isn't here."

  "Gentlemen, may I help you?" Someone inside the nurse's station spoke when we finally reached it.

  "Other way 'round, Doc. Um-"

  "Here to get your patient back. Angel, Wolfram & Hart." The brunette handed a business card to the balding man, and he inspected it.

  "A lawyer? I already told the police everything I know."

  "Well, let's go over it again, just in case you left out any details."

  "Yeah, what he said, but with a bit more of a threat at the end." Spike added, and the Doctor looked between the two males, then at me before leading us to the girl's room.

  "She was a special case. Her family was murdered in their home when she was ten. Whoever did it took Dana and tortured her for months. She was found one day, naked and bleeding, wandering the streets, barely functional." Dr. Rabinaw explained while Angel was flipping through some drawings the girl had done. The bed was flipped on its side next to the barred window, and the only light was coming from the bright hallway. "Nearly catatonic ever since."

  "Looks like she snapped out of it." Spike spoke up, and I was looking at the mass of drawings all over the walls. It seemed Dana would draw on any piece of paper she could get her hands on.

  "Several months ago, her condition changed. Increasing levels of agitation accompanied by explosive outbursts of inhuman strength."

  "Right. Demon possession."

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