Ch.25: And now you're satisfied

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  "But we just helped her move this stuff in a few days ago...." Anya complained as we were packing up the dorm room. "And it was fun." She added when Buffy walked in.

  "People help each other out, Anya." Pops stated. I didn't hear the rest of what he had said since I was carrying a stack of boxes out.

  "Oh, let me help you with that, miss." I heard a voice say just before the top boxes lifted from the stack. "Moving out or switching rooms?" The man asked me while setting down the boxes.

  "Neither. I'm helping out a friend." I replied while putting the remaining box I had back onto the stack. 'I could have done that myself....' I mentally sighed.

  "How very kind of you. Do you go to school here?" He asked while smiling and putting his hands into his pockets. 'The last time a guy had talked to me with this body language and these questions was....that party at Lowell House.'

  "No." I answered. "You?" 'Wait, what had Spike said it meant again....? Come on, Aud, think!'

  "Yeah. The name's Marcus." He held out his hand for me to shake.

  "Aud." I shook his hand. 'Oh, yeah! He said it was flirting- charm the lass to get some ass.'

  "What's odd?" He raised a brow while still smiling. 'Wait, he also said it hurt their ego if I say 'ew'....which means that inadvertently hurts their feelings.'

  "No, my name. It's A-U-D, Aud." Putting my hands into the front pockets of my pants, I sort of shifted on my feet. 'Shit, what do I do? Human feelings are so do I say I'm not interested without being rude?'

  "Well, nice to meet you, A-U-D Aud." He chuckled. 'Oh, you think you're so funny don't you?' I mentally narrowed my eyes. 'No! Bad, Aud! Be nice to the man.'

  "Oh, who's your friend, Aud?" Willow questioned after she set down a box.

  "He's not my friend, we just met. But his name is Marcus." I glanced at Willow before looking back at the tall, brunette male with honey-colored eyes.

  "Well, all friendships start somewhere." He said while grinning and putting his hands back into his pockets.

  "I guess." I furrowed my brows while thinking about it. 'He is right.... Hey, maybe he does just want to be friends?'

  "Oh, can you start taking stuff down to the car? Tara could use some help." Willow looked at me.

  "Sure." I nodded while picking up a stack of boxes.

  "Here, I can help." Marcus picked up a few boxes and stepped to the side. "Mind leading the way?"

  "This way." I said. "I guess...." I added under my breath.

  "So, do you live around here?"

  "I live in Sunnydale if that's what you mean." Replying, I glanced back to make sure the guy hadn't taken off with the boxes. He chuckled and continued following me.

  "I guess that could count as near if you consider the size of the world." He paused. "Do you go to school someplace else?" Marcus asked, and I looked at him.

  "No." Answering, I headed out of the dorm house. I was walking at a fairly quick pace- the sooner the boxes got to the car, the sooner I could take a lunch break. 'What should I even have? Oh, what if I went out and grabbed something for everybody?'

  "Was that redhead the friend you are helping?" Marcus glanced at me.

  "No." I kept my replies short, I still didn't know this man's intentions. If he wanted to be friends, that was fine. Anything else would be a problem.

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