Ch.34: Sweet sensations (P.2)

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  "Guys...." Walking into the Summers house, I saw Buffy, Joyce, and Willow hanging out in the living room. "It's not Buffy that Spike's into." I stated while just standing there and looking at them.

  "You sure?" Buffy looked relieved as I nodded.

  "Who is it?" Willow asked with a raised brow.

  "Me." Sitting on the coffee table, I told them what had happened. They listened, not caring that my tail was still out and twitching with frustration and irritation.

  "Wait, he-he actually told you?" Willow asked. "He said, 'I love you'?"

  "I didn't let him get that far. I cut him off after he said 'love'."

  "Aud, did you somehow, unintentionally, lead him on in any way?" Joyce furrowed her brows. "Send him signals?" Her hands moved as she talked.

  "All I do is....beat him up a lot."

  "For Spike, that's like third base." Buffy popped off. It took me a second to get what she meant.

  "Oh." Joyce shook her head.

  "Aud, um, I'm really worried." The redhead looked at me.

  "So am I." Buffy said.

  "He could become dangerous." Joyce added.

  "Not really. I mean, as long as it's still 'chips ahoy' in Spike's head, he can't hurt me or any of us." I glanced at each of them. "You know? Besides, this'll probably just blow over. You know? It's just some Spike thing." Nodding, I sat up straighter. "He'll have the hots for some gak demon before we know it."

  "I don't know. These things can-can become pretty twisted." Willow looked concerned.

  "Yeah, and Spike. I mean, he's-"

  "Pretty twisted." Buffy finished her mom's sentence.

  "Yeah." Joyce nodded.

  "Well, you made it clear, right? That it could never happen." The witch asked.

  "That there's no possible way ever." Buffy waved her hand.

  "Yeah. I-I think so...." My tail twitched as the three humans were looking at me. "I don't know. I was just so thrown."

  "Well, Aud, you have to talk to him again." Willow raised her eyebrows while shrugging one shoulder.

  "What? No! No, no, no." Shaking my head, I held up my hands. "I have to avoid him."

  "Not until you shut him down completely." Buffy said.

  "If he thinks there's even a little chance with you, there's no telling what he'll do." I looked at the redhead, then at the Summers. 'Why can't I be a vampire repelling demon? Wait, is that even a thing?' I thought.

  "Okay, fine." I sighed. "What do I do?" Running a hand through my bangs, I waited for an answer.

  "Just make it clear that he has absolutely no chance with you and you have zero interest in him." Buffy told me. Nodding, I stood up and straightened out my jacket. The others went to their feet as well, looking at me.

  "Okay. I can do this. Why does this feel like I'm going into a battlefield naked?" My brows furrowed as I looked at the trio of women.

  "Maybe because you're not used to it?" Buffy suggested.

  "Yeah, that's probably it."

  "I know this is hard, Aud, but I think you made the right decision." Joyce told me. "Better to nip this in the bud before-"

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