Ch.97: And lots of wavy hair like Liberace

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  "Oh, Snowflake, look at you!" Looking over my shoulder, I saw Lorne walking into Wesley's office while holding his hands out at his sides as he grinned. "You never said you were an artist." Turning back to the canvas I had been working on, I made a face.

  "In a sense. Lack of doing it has really hit me, though." I scratched my cheek, inadvertently smearing paint onto my face.

  "I would assume so, but look at you now. You've got all the time in the world."

  "If you're looking for Wesley, he's in Fred's lab."

  "No, I'm looking for you, honey. You're coming to the party tonight, right?" Lorne asked while pointing at me.

  "I don't know. Parties aren't really my-"

  "Oh, come on. You literally live here, and you're always in Wesley's office or Fred's lab. Why not meet some of the people that work here? Mingle a little, make some friends?"

  "....Make an evil law firm?"

  "They're not all that bad. Do you like to dance? There'll be music and all the free food you can eat." Lorne smiled at me, and I narrowed my eyes. Rubbing my chin, I was accidentally getting even more paint on my face as I was thinking.

  "I haven't really let loose since the near apocalypse....and there's free food. Fine. I'll go."

  "Great! might wanna clean yourself up a little first. And, uh, no pajamas."

  "No pajamas." I nodded.

  "You're great, sweetie. Meet me in Angel's office in 20 minutes." Lorne snapped his fingers, pointing at me again as he left the room.

  "....Wait....clean up?" I furrowed my brows.

  "You're covered in paint." Spike scoffed from where he sat at Wesley's desk. "It's all over your arms and face, Raphael."


  "In my day, no self-respecting creature of the night went out on All Hallow's Eve. We left that to the posers- the blighters who had to dress up and try to be scary." Spike grumbled while looking out the windows, watching people setting up the party in the lobby. Angel pushed a button under his desk and the windows were no longer clear enough to look through. "Magic windows. Will the perks never end?"

  "I don't know. I like Halloween." I shrugged.

  "You like the free sweets and candies." Spike popped off.

  "Okay, I can't argue with that, but I also like it because that's when I could go into town with Pops as a kid. I've got good memories of Halloween."

  "Ciao! What'd I miss?" Lorne hung up the phone as he came into the office before turning his attention to us.

  "Us waiting." Angel replied.

  "Oh, right. Sorry. So, uh, Angel, we just wanted to take a moment and emphasize how important this party really is to us." The green demon in the blue suit clapped his hands together.

  "I gotta say, Lorne is right." Gunn turned to Angel while sitting on the edge of his desk. "We gotta show all the big bads that the new regime is here to stay which, for the most part, boils down to image. And image-wise, if this party doesn't kick ass, we lose face."

  "And believe me, Milk Dud, speaking as head of your P.R. department, we need all the face we can get." Lorne waved a pointed finger.

  "'Milk Dud'?"

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