chapter 1 (a sad beginning) *warning self harm*

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   I was about 7 and it was my first day of first grade. I was a bit scared but manly excited. My mom drove me to school. 'little did I now that was the last day I would see her.' I took the bus home with a pretty full pitcher for my mom. When I got off the bus I saw my dad with tail wagging in excitement. "Lacey how was you first day of school?" My dad asked picking me up the setting me down. "I saw Aaron and Gene at recess, and we all had sooooooo much fun! WUF! I made a picture for Mommy. It has me and mommy making potions an-" my dad covered my mouth to keep me quite. "Shhhh. You don't want her to know, right?" My dad asked. I tilled my head in confusion, but ran into the house looking for my mom. "Mommy!" Yelled ran to her. "Lacey what have I told you about runnin-" my mom fell to the ground in pain. I stopped for a second then ran as fast as I could to her "m-mo-MOMMY!" I yelled with tears falling down my face. My dad ran behind me "E-Ema? It's okay, you'll be okay" my dad said shaking. He called the police. The ambulance was full of werewolves witch surprised me. I kept my head down the entire way to the hospital, my dad was crying and started to sing 'hold on'. The doctors took my mom to a room to try and revive her. I ran down the hall and ran into my uncle Derick.(literally) I fell on the ground, and my uncle picked me up while I was still sobbing. "Lacey this wasn't your fault." is what he said, but a small part of knew it was. He walked us out to the now empty courtyard. My uncle sat me on a bench and asked "Lacey can you look in this mirror and tell me what you see?" He handed me a tiny mirror, that I almost dropped because of what I looked at. My eyes were like two fire red crystals instead of the bright blue ones I was born with. "W-what happen to me?!" I asked trying not to cry more than I already had. "You have a cures, like Me and Aaron. This cures is called 'The Ultima', and you need to keep it a secret." I nodded my head in response. My uncle gave me a pleased look then a confused one "I gets don't get how you have the curse. Only males can have it..." My uncle passed the looked up "unless she wasn't born a girl" I turned around to see my dad looking as if he had been crying for days. He looked at his brother then me "me and your mother were expecting a girl, therefore we put 'Lacey' on your birth certificate. You were born a boy, and we didn't want you to get picked on because of your name, so when you turned one your mother had found a spell to make you a girl." My dad seemed to think I would believe that. "I'm a girl and always have been!" I yelled not meaning to. "Lacey?" I heard a soft shaking voice from behind my dad. I looked to see Aaron with the same two fire red crystals for eyes. I started to cry "no no no no no no.... this can't be real" I feel to the floor crying. I could feel Aaron pull me into a huge, but I just stayed there, silent, letting the tears fall. "Lacey as you can see this is real." My uncle said from behind me.

       It's been about two and a half months and my dad started to to drink a lot, and occasionally throw the glass bottle at me. Making me bleed out, and patch myself up as well. My dad started to not care what I did, so I would sneak out to Gene's house and hang out with him. He never asked about the scars, and I was thankful . When I was about to go home he'd ask if I like to stay the night. Even tho it was what I need I always said 'no I'm good' and left. I was in my room about to try and end it all, but I guess Irene didn't want me to. I heard a knock on the door, I put the blade down, and went to open the door. I opened it to see to werewolf police officers. "H-hello?" I asked. They looked down at me, and one of them got on one knee to my level "hey there little one could you please tell us where you father is?" He asked. I didn't have a father, not anymore. I took in a deep breath and said " yes sir, Jaron Lycan is on the couch asleep." my words were a little shaky, but they understood. I read the police officer's tag "Officer Bark?" I said and gave a little giggle, and the other officer chuckled and went inside. Officer Bark had an embarrassed look on his face "heh, can't change your name, but sure can get made fun of for it" he said. I smiled at what he said and gave him a hug. "What is with you and kids Bark?" "I don't know, I guess I can just relate to a lot of them." He said given' me a small smile. "Okay, well since she likes you, you get to stay here till her Uncle gets here." The other officer said, and put Jaron in the back of the police car. "Come on Lacey let's go get your stuff together." Officer Bark said leading me inside and shutting the door. "Is it ok if do it myself?" I asked. He nodded in response, and I ran upstairs getting everything together. I was looking for the doll my mom had made me. I looked under my bed, but instead of seeing the doll I saw a box. I pulled it out to see it read 'happy birthday, form Mommy' I did my best to hold in my tears, but my head played all the memories I had with her. I started to sob on the floor. I guess Officer Bark heard me because he came in and hugged me. "Shhhh Lacey, it's okay. I'm here." He must of read the box 'cause "I read about what happened. You know I lost my mom when I was a little younger than you. My dad left before I was born." I didn't get what he was saying then, but know I can tell. He was saying that I wasn't alone and he was there for me. After a couple rounds of me beating Officer Bark at Mortal Kombat he had gave up. "Dang it's been to long since I played that. I can't believe I got my but kicked by a seven year old." I laughed slightly. Jack (Officer Bark) was child by heart. I heard a knock at the door, and ran to open it. I look up to see my uncle Derek with a disappointed look on his face. "Hi" I said. He patted my head and told me to get my stuff. I did as told and ran upstairs, grabbing my bag then running outside to see Aaron and Melissa. "Hi cussse!" I yelled running to them. I gave them a hug, and they hugged back. Melissa grabbed my bag, but I held onto the box. We got in and I sat next to Aaron,and Melissa sat in the front. "You two ready for the never ending sleepover?!" I asked trying to be happy. Melissa nodded, but Aaron just looked at us like we were crazy.

      A year had past. My uncle said he had a letter for me, so I ran down stairs and read the letter that was sitting on the kitchen counter.

Dear Lacey Lycan
         I'm sorry to be telling you this in a letter, but your father had gotten involved in a fight with a past criminal. Sorry, but he didn't make it
                                Jake Bark

"What?" I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "n-no no no, why... why me, why is this happening to me?" I said bursting into tears. I felt Aaron put his arms around me, and my uncle take the letter from me. I cried into Aaron's chest, but I could still hear my uncle cry a little. "W-well L-lacey seems like you'll be staying with us for a bit longer"

         Hay guys this is my first story and I'd like to know what you think. I will say there's going to be more of this one, but I'm still debating whether or not to do one on my Fnaf and Creepypasta O.C. so if you could let me know that would be great.

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