A Shadow Party (Part2)

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   I finely got Gene and the at her two to stop drinking all the soda... Aaron was cleaning the grill. "Lacey, bring the meat out! I finely got it clean!" Aaron yelled. I grabbed the bag, and headed to the back. "Ready?" "yup" Aaron already had the fire going.

  Aaron said he was going to take care of the BBQing, so I was setting up some of the chips. I heard a knock on the door, and ran to get it. I open the door to see 'girl squad'. "Aph, KC, Kaitlynn! You guys came!" "Psh yay, really think I'm gonna miss a party!?" Kaitlynn said. I let them in side "Now remember I invited my friends and Dante..." "Hay, Ki- Ah shit" I elbowed Gene in the gut before he finished his sentence. "What have I told you a boy calling Aph Kitty!!!" I yelled in Gene's ear. They all laughed at see the school 'gang leader' being scared by a 'simple' werewolf. "I hate you" Gene said walking away holding his gut, and grabbing an ice-pack. "Now that's how you deal with a perv" Kaitlynn said giving me a high-five. "Speaking of pervs... Travis and Dante are coming" I said looking down disappointed. "Did I hear someone say my name" I look over to see Dante... "Sup, little bro" Gene said sitting on top of the counter with the ice-pack. "Gene what have me and me mom said, don't tick off your girlfriend" I wish I could say they haven't... "WE AREN'T DATING!" me and Gene yelled in unison. Kawaii~Chan giggled/squealed. "Okay, well I'm going to go help out Aaron. Don't brake anything" 

   About 30 minutes later me and Aaron got some of grilling done. "Okay I'll go put them on the counter" I said as I put them on the plate and went I side. "Lacey..." I turned around to see Garroth and Zane. "Hey mlh budy, hey prince charming" I called them by the names I gave them when we were little. They both groan "Oh, come on you've called us that sense we were able to talk" "Whoa! Look who got a new voice!" I exclaimed. Zane gave a growl. "Oh, come on baby brother it a good thing" "Ya, maybe now you won't get picked on" I said with a small laugh. "Hay, Zane..." I pulled him closer so I could whisper in his ear "I got some chocolate cake that you can have later" I let go of him yo see he had a smile under him mask. I look over to see Gene with a small glare to Zane. "Gene! Stop it!" He looked right at with a frighten look. I motioned him to co.e over and he did. "Wait Gene's here!?" Garroth and Zane said in unison. "Don't worry I can't do anything when It's here" Gene said walking up behind me.  I could see through th window that Aph and Aaron were talking, and I smiled. "Would you stop calling me 'It'! I have a name and I have a gender!" I yelled playfully and slapped him. I heard Zane chuckle, Garroth just left to hang with Laurence and Dante. "Soo... How about I get my two best friends to get along!" I had and pulled them both into a head lock that would just look like us have fun. KC took a pic

(anybody to draw it go ahead and if you me to see it. My Gmail is Slendermanspup@gmail.com
And my Tik Tok is

    I took Gene and Zane out to near the fishing deck on by the river... And I took the cake with me.😁 Gene and Zane kept glaring at each other. "Okay I know I said for you two to get along. But I do know that if I left you two alone you'd kill each other..." I gave a sigh and handed them a piece of cake. They both took it and stayed quite... "Okay That's it I'm done with you two being so quite" I said and walked off. I took off my shit, shorts, and ran to jump in the river getting them both wet. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Gene yelled. I started laughing. Zane just got up and left "Zane take the cake I got it for you!" I yelled. Zane looked back and had a smile before taking the cake and leaving. Gene was looking down like he didn't want to look at me. I got out and sat next to him. "If you're scared that I'm not wearing a bathing-suit..."I grabbed is chin and made him look at me "...I am, see" Gene had a slight bit of pink on his face. He got up and took off his shit and jeans before pushing me in. "Asshole!" I laughed before pulling him in. "Well it's a good thing I left some of my clothes here, huh?" I gave a soft giggle as we just started to play in the water.

   About and hour later I don't know how but just about everyone joined in, and started swimming in the river. Well Aph stayed with Aaron, Zane sat on the bench eating the cake, and Lucinda found place to tan. Everyone was getting along. It was grate. I got snapped out of thought when Gene body-slammed me under water. When I came back up I tackled him. Soon the pack joined in and we all started playing.

  The sun was starting to set and everyone had left. Except for Aaron and Gene. Gene past out on the bed, and Aaron was helping me clean up. "So, are you going home or are you staying here?" Aaron asked as he through away the empty cups laying around. "I better stay here, just so Gene doesn't do anything dum" I said and smiled.

   "Okay well I better get home before dad kills me" I snickered "okay, just make sure to tell him I'm here if he asks" I said a waved him out the door.

    I walked into the bedroom to see Gene awake and him shirt off. "Come here" Gene said and opened his arm... "Really?" I gave a small laugh and laid down next to him. Gene grabbed me and pulled me close. "Night, pup" Gene whispered and rested his head in between my ears. "Night, dor- I mean Gene" I said and gave a yawn before closing my my eyes and falling a sleep.

     Yay! I finished this chapter!! Okay now I may just do a two month time skip to the first day of school! Just a heads up

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