Am I better off alone?

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   I got home and got in through the window. "LACEY!" I heard Uncle Derick yell from down stairs. "Sh*t"

    When I got half way down the stairs I saw Arron in normal close and a pissed off Derick. "Where were you two!?!" He yelled at us. I stayed on the stairs and glared at him "Non of your business" I said. "Tell me" "Why! So you can tell us that we shouldn't have done it!" I yelled "We went to the prom!" I looked at Aaron with a pissed off face. "Lacey, go in your room, I'll deal with you in just a second" Derick said pointing up stairs. I ran up stairs into my room, but I left the door open so I could hear better. 

Derick, Aaron


-I just want to see her!

-You're seeking out to see that-that Girl!! You barely know her!


-I don't care what here name is. She's not important!


-You don't know what love is!

-But I-

-Enough Aaron! Talk back to me one more run and I'll make sure you finish this highschool year back at the military academy!


-We had an agreement. I'd let you go to public school under the contusion that you stayed OUT of any relationships, other then acquaintances. And now here you are, trying to leave to this girl's house.


-YES I CAN! You never trust me.

-AND FOR GOOD REASON! Look at you eyes Aaron!... Your emotions are still unstable. You will become a monster if you can't control them! What's going to happen if you can't control yourself and end up turning HER!


-THAT'S THE LAST THING THIS FAMILY NEEDS! Oh I can see the headline now "Son of major incorporation turns student into a Werewolf!", "ULITMAS EXIST!" "HUMANS FEAR WEREWOLVES AGAIN!"  Do you understand how much is at stake Aaron?

-You never treat Melissa and Lacey like this

-It's like I have to have this conversation with you every year. Your sister can not turn people into Werewolves Aaron, YOU CAN! And as for Lacey she won't listen to me, that and she is more then well aware of what could happen!

-It's not fair

-Life isn't fair, Aaron. You don't think I went through the same thing? I kept my distance from everyone when I was your age, can with your mother. I continue to do that till this day. I knew what could have happened to me and all werewolf people if I lost control. I don't want this for you, but you have to understand the situation you are in.


-go upstairs Aaron. and don't come back down till your eyes have changed. And I better not here anymore of this 'Aphmau' girl.


          (Well that was fun)

     I heard Aaron run up into his room and slammed his door shut. After a couple minutes Derick came into my room. "Save the whole 'I know what's best' act! Let me get this strait you said he doesn't 'know what love is'? Gee, and I wonder why" "Lacey, That's enough! You know just as well as me how dangerous it is if he can't control his-" "HIS EYES! I know! You tell Aaron to not have friends! I bet that's because the last friend you let him have was a dog!" I got closer to him "And let me remind you, YOU LOST THAT DOG!" I yelled my eyes flashing red out of anger. "Maybe I should send you back to the all werewolf school" Derick said as if to threaten me. I just chuckled "And what will that do? I'll just stay the same, not only that but I could still sneak out when I want no matter how many bodyguards you higher!" I spat. "Lacey! You know I try my hardest to remember you understand, but apparently you Don't! You'll be going to an all Werewolf college!" "okay, asshat" I said with a strait face. "What was that?!" Derick yelled. "I said 'ASSHAT' you think I care what you say?! I'll let you know I have my own property!" I yelled. "No you don-" "My dad's old hunting cabin, I've owned it ever sense he past" I said with a small smirk. "Not only that but some of the land around it" I said and grabbed my bag I had filled up beforehand. "In mater of fact I think I'll head there now!" I said holding in my tears. I pushed Derick away and ran out of the house. I was half way there when I ran into someone, I got back up was going to ran past them to hide tears, but they they grabbed my wrist. "Lacey, is everything Okay?" I looked up to see Gene and I hugged him. "Hay, It's okay, it's okay, just tell me what's going on and... were you're going?" Gene asked pushing me back gently and picking up my bag a little. "D-do you re-remember *deep breath* my dad's old hunting cabin, I own it ever sense he past." I said. Gene smiled "Mind if I come with you?" he asked. "Not at all" I said and started to pull him to the cabin.

   Once we got there I took the key from out of the 'welcome mat'. I unlocked the door and turned the on the light. "It still looks nice" Gene said. I walked in and sat my stuff on the counter. The place was more like a house then a cabin. "I can sleep on the couch if you want" Gene said sitting down. I was just looking around when I found a pitcher of my mom and dad with me in a frame.
             (⬆Pick above⬆)

I felt a lump come to my throat, until I started to cry again. Gene must have heard me, he came in and started to hug me "Hay, look at me" Gene put each of his hands on my face to have me look at him. "It's okay, I'm still here for you" Gene said and pulled me into a hug. I just cried onto his shoulder untill I fell asleep.

      Thank you for all of the support, y'all are the best!! I'm listening to 'Be More Chill'. Don't know why I said that but I did.

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