Anime con!

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       It had had been a couple day since the whole 'Tord' thing. I was in my room getting ready for the anime con. I chose to go as my OCs From black butler. (1. Pic above and 2. Comment if I should make a book on that OC) Her name is Leona.

Really Sierra! Doing MCD Now!

Yes I'm making you scroll!😊

I mean I'm not doing a 4th wall break! 

    I made everything from scratch. "Lacey! Gene's here!" I heard Melissa call from down stairs. I walk down and the first thing I see is Gene with a smirk. Gene was going as Ceil Phantomhive (Again pick above) "yung lord?" I said in a playful tone. "What didn't think I would do it?" Gene asked walking me out to his mom's car. "Not really! You did really well!" I said. "I hope it's okay that it's just going to be you and me. My mom is letting me take her car" Gene said opening the door for me. "Nah it's fine" I said getting in.

  When Gene got in his eyes went strate to my costume. "Hay eyes up here" I said jokingly. Gene just looked up at me and smirked. "Well lets get going" he said while starting up the car.

     Once we got there I got out and fixed my shorts. "Damn these are tight!" I said. "Were they not meant to?" Gene asked fixing his costume. "No they m around me. I didn't mind manly because my OC likes Ceil. That and I know Gene didn't want anyone trying to flirt with me. Once we get are bands to say we paid we go inside. "Did you eat?" Gene asked. "Ummm..." I just looked down knowing I didn't. Gene let out a sigh and pulled me over to a food stan. (Listen I've never been to one I'm just making this up as I go) "what do you want" Gene asked once it was our turn. "Poop~si, and a chocolate Cinnamon-role" I said with a closed eyes smile. "Of cores" Gene said and got me them. Me and Gene went and sat on a bench. I was eating the Cinnamon-role when Gene took a piece. "Hay!" I yelled softly. Gene only smirk and put his arm back around me. "AWWW! You two are just too cute! Do you mind if me take a picture?" Some girl dressed like Liszt from black butler asked. "Uh..." "Not at all, Liszt" Gene said pulling me closer. The girl gave a small squeal and took a picture. "Thank you!" She said and left. "That's probably going to happen a lot." Gene said looking at me going back to eating my little snack.

    Me and Gene were walking around when I saw a stan that was set up just like the one in black butler when they were in Sebastian made an ice sculpture of knowa's ark. What ever that is. "Ceil! Come on!" I said pulling Gene to the stan. "Look they have tiny versions of the boat on a neckless !" I said holding them up to him. Gene just chuckled and turned to the sales person "How much are they?" Gene asked. I looked up at him "$25" the sales guy said. Gene pulled out his wallet. "N-no Gene let me" I said pulling out $25, but Gene already paid for it. "I-I said let me" I said feeling slightly bad. "I know, I just wanted to buy it for you" Gene said with a smile. "Th-Thank you" I said as I put it on.  Gene looked over and started pulling me to a photo-booth. Gene pulled me in and made me sit on his lap. "Geeeneeen" I wined.

(Gene POV)

     I dragged Lacey to a photo- booth and had her sit on my lap. Okay listen if you would have seen how she looked in her costume (Guys) you would have wanted her too! Yes even you cinnamon-roles/blueberries! "Geeeneeen" Lacey wined. I gave a quick glance a her then rapped my arms around her waist. "G- Gene?!" I don't think she notice the blush on her face and if she did she wasn't caring. "What, I get to do this because you that" I said looking her up and down. Lacey looked like she wanted to slap me, but if she know that if she does I'll just keep doing more and more, it's just the way I am. Besides I had other things planed for later... "Gene this isn't comfortable" Lacey wined pushing me slightly. I gave a chuckle and pulled her closer "oh come on I'm not able to do this when we're at my house." Lacey gave me a small glare. "You do know that it's been taking pitchers, right?" I said pointing to the screen. "What!" She said/yelled pushing of me, and looking at the the pictures. I got out of the photo-booth, and look down a Lacey. "Gene, You jerk! She yelled. "Ya, I know" I leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear "but I know to like them, pup~" Lacey's Face was more red then her eye contacts after I did that.

    It was time for the costume contest, and Lacey wanted me and her to be a part of it. We signed up a hour ago, so we were just walking around till it was time. Lacey came in third and got a $150 gift card for Hot-topic. I didn't get any place then again I didn't want anything, except to see Lacey smile.

   The day was almost over and I could see Lacey was getting tired. "Lacey?" She looked up at me with a small but cute smile. "I have one more thing for you, well more like to ask you..." I watched as her eyes lit up slightly. I could feel my face grow slightly red as I grabbed her hand. Lacey looked down at are hands then back up at me. "Lacey will you be my date to prom?" I finely Asked! Lacey's eyes seamed to light up as her face went slightly red. "G-Gene... I...
I'd love to" I smiled as I hugged her tight. I put her down and see a smirk on her face "I'm not wearing a dress though" I just laughed a little. "Didn't want you to"

   Okay who all did I kill @RandomUnicorn13 I know you did! But who elts? Okay now I need to find something for Lacey to wear...

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