A Trip

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Melissa yelled from down stairs. I grabbed the hoodie Aaron gave me and ran down stairs. "Shush It! I was getting my hoodie!" "Okay come on we're going to be late!" I just ignored her and got into her car waiting for her. She got in. "Can I play my music!?" I asked holding up my phone. "Is it Eminem?" I just nodded. "Whatever..." I just smiled and and put on 'Just lose it' singing along to every single word... "How can you listen to this?" I just shrugged still into the song. We listen to Eminem till we got to a gas station. "You want anything?" "Chocolate and poop-si, please" "Okay, but I'm getting you werewolf chocolate. You know, because you're a werewolf" I crossed my arms, and got out of the car. "Fine I'll get it myself!" I said putting my ears and tail away. I could hear Melissa sigh. "Oh ya, how do you think Aaron's going to react to your hair?" I had died my like Ein's so I wouldn't forget him. I wore my hair like that for the last couple days of school, so he new. "Idk" I said and put my headphones on walking inside. I bott my crap and waited in the car for Melissa. I grabbed my camera and stared recording. "Hay what's up my pups, and kitties! So today is day zero! Yes, Finley! Me and my cousin, Meelliisssa just bott some snacks and gas." I gave Melissa a side hug when she came in. "Oh, so that's how you want to act now?!" "No! To let you know I made an OC based off you!" "you killed them, didn't you...?" "Ya, she got shot..."



                       DO NOT


   I put my camera up and decide to take a nap. "You touch my camera and your dead!" I said before falling asleep.

    I wake up to the car stopping. I look out the window to see were here! I grabbed my camera. "Okay everyone! Time for the surprises! I've said this before, but Melissa isn't my only cousin. So we're here..." I turned to camera around to face the building then back to me. "...at the military academy to pick up my cousin... AARON!!" I yelled seeing him at the front door. I ran up to him and tackled him with a hug. "L-Lacey?!" he asked pushing me back a little. I gave a nod. "Say 'hi' to YouTube!" he just looked at me then the camera. "Hello... Is this what you did when I wasn't here?!" "maaaaybeeeee" I said with a smile. "So you died your hair, and got earrings?" I gave a 'mmm-hmm'. I got two piercings on my left ear, one hoop, and one ball.

     Me and Aaron spent the rest of the day playing Mortal Kombat, and play fighting. I mostly one the fights tho...

    I'm sorry if it seems like I'm getting lazy on the chapters. I need to stop watching Jacksepticeye for a bit and work on my stories!! I also want to now for all of my Eddsworld TomTord Fans!! Should I make a Torm X reader?! Comet if you think I should or if you have anything you would like for me to do, let me know too!! Okay bye!

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