Halloween party

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(I!I'm going to stop making introduction of that's alright)

       I started to get my costume on when Melissa came into my room dressed up like Toka from Tokyo Goul (sorry if spelled wrong) "Soooo?" Melissa asked in that cheerful voice of hers. I pulled my shirt on, and turned to face her. "'So' what? Your not coming with me." I said bluntly. "Yes she is!" My uncle Derek yelled from down stairs. I ran down stairs after putting on my tights to my costume. "What do you mean 'She's coming with me'?!" I yelled. My uncle gave me a glare as I stayed put. "Be glad I'm letting you go at all, and if you keep talking back I'll make sure you go to an werewolf military academy!" Uncle Derek yelled. I gave a growled. "Fine..." I growled, and went up to my room. I looked into my mirror, and did a small twirl. I may not be the kind to where dresses, but I'll gladly where a skirt. I was supposed to be dressed like Yandere~can. I got really confused when I looked up pitchers of her because there where two people one with black hair and another with bluish whitish hair. I just went with the one with black even it was the wrong character...

(⬆???Is this the right character???⬆)

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(???Is this the right character???)

(!!!😅Sorry I know nothing about the game😅!!!) I through my hair into a ponytail. I already died my hair black. The die is supposed only to stay in for two months, so I wasn't too worried about it. "Wow! Soooo... Who dressed up like 'Senpi'?" Melissa asked. I turned away blushing. " *gasp* is it that boy from the field?!" Melissa whispered try not to yell like the fangirl she is. "Shhshsh, n-n-no nononono!" I curled into a ball to try and hide my face. My tail wrapped around my body, and my ears were flat on my head in embarrassment. "Awww, that to cute!" "Girls time to go!" Aunt Rachael yelled. I popped out of my ball and ran down stairs about to run out the door, but my uncle stopped me. "Here's 20 bucks for snacks and drinks,only. Got that!?" My cheerful look turned to a 'are you kidding me' one. I nodded my head and past my uncle running to the car. I sit in the front. "Not fair!" Melissa wined. Me and Aunt Rachael chuckled a little as Melissa got in the back. I turn around to look at Melissa "Sooo... Why'd you pick Toka if you act nothing like her?" I asked. " why'd you dress like Yandere~can? You are nothing like her." "Or am I?..." I played dramatic music on my phone after I said that. Melissa gave an exaggerated gasp "your a yandera?! For who?! Is it for that b-" I cut Melissa with a death glare with my eyes flashing red for half a second. Melissa coward into her seat, and stayed there 'til we got to the school. "You two behave." Aunt Rachael said before she drove off. I look over to see Ein getting out of his car. "SENPIIII!!!" I yell running over to him, and tackling him into a hug. At first he seemed scared, but once he realized it was me he returned the hug. " OH MY IRENE! Ein you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" We let go of each other, and I saw how much Ein's mom embarrassed him. "M-mom she's not m-my girlfriend she's just a friend." I giggled, and decided to make it worse.😎 "Awww, come on senpi why hide it you now you like me." I said in a childish voice with a smirk. "Lacey..." Ein wined. I giggled a tad. "Okay, Okay. I'll stop, but only so my cuz doesn't come over here and do the same." Ein chuckled and waved bye to his mom as she drove off. "So do you die you hair or..." He paused to let me answer. "I died my hair" I said with a closed eye smile. "Huh? Never thought of you as the kind to die you hair." Ein said and ran ahead to which I chased after him. "Yo, Ein!" I look over to see Jack walking over to us. "Hay Jack" I said with a closed eye smile. "Hay, Alpha" I looked up to see him with a smirk on his face because he knows how I feel being called 'Alpha'. "So you finely manned up and asked her out, huh?" Jack said giving a quick glance at Ein as he bent his down to my height and rested his hand on his thighs. I playfully  slapped him in the face, and ran to cling into Ein's arm. "You leave Senpi alone!" I yelled in my childish voice. "Senpi, huh? Oh right your support to be 'Yandere~can', and 'Senpi' from the video game. Well," Jack paused and bent down to my eye level and continued "better hope someone doesn't reset the game." Jack may be a jerk, but he's like a big brother to me. I stuck my tong out at him like a child. "Well you two have fun. I'm ganna see if that 'Toka' girl would like to dance." I chuckled a tad "wait Jack!" He stopped and looked at me annoyed "What?" " Hehe, I like to see you try and be able to get my cuz to dance with you." I said pointing over to Melissa who was dressed up like Toka. "Wow, she's your cuz? Sorry to say but she's hot" I looked at Jack completely annoyed as he just walked away. "Come on. Think as Jack as a distraction to cuz." Ein said smiling as he grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the dance floor. Ein gave me a quick twirl then let go nearly making me fall. "Come on 'Yandere~can', why don't you show 'Senpi' you can dance" I blushed more then just slightly! I got a bit nervous,and just stood their with my head down. "Come on where's that spunky, hipper, pup everyone loves?" Ein put his hands on my shoulders, and stared to rock from side to side. I lookup at him and smile. "See, there's the Lacey I know." 'ya the one he knows you better hope it stays that way, Lacey' A voice said I looked around. I just thought of it as someone had been talking, and I just heard part of it as my brain made up the rest. "Ein I'll go get us something to drink, okay?" He nodded as. I started to walk to the food-stan-thing. I got me and Ein a poop-si. The song 'they don't know about us' come on, and Ein grabbed my hand giving me a little twirl. "E-Ein?! Your ganna make me drop the sodas!" Ein let go of me and sat the poop-si on a table. "come on, it is a dance after all." Ein took my hand, and pulled me into his arms. I could hear some squeals of fan-girling "AHHHH! EIN AND ALPHA ARE DANCING TOGETHER!!!!!" I cowered my ears in pain, Ein just chuckled at me. "W-what's so funny?" I snapped with a dark tint of red one my face as Ein put his hands on my waist. "Well," Ein paused and leaned closer to me "right now what's 'So funny' is how red your face is, and how your digging you nails into my back without realizing it." Ein leaned back and I stopped digging my nails into his back. "s-sorry" I said. "Hehe, don't worry about it, your still as cute as always." I froze and blushed more of that was even possible. I heard the sound of a camera. I didn't want to know who it was, so hid my face in Ein's chest and pulled him closer by wrapping my arms his neck. Ein was tensed at first, but then tightened his grip on my waist. We were like that the uniter song. I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I didn't want to let go of Ein. "Calm down, Lacey, It's me." " that's why I'm not calm, Melissa" I said her name in a mockingly tone. Ein unwrapped his arms around me, but kept his hands on my hips while he held me back a little. I loosen the grip on my arms around his neck. "Come on, Lacey... This is the first time since Aaron left that we can get time to hang out, together." I looked up at Ein, he gave me a sad smile, but said "Go ahead, I'll still be here." His sad smile turn turned into a closed eye smile. I gave him a quick hug, and Melissa pulled me away. She started dancing like a five year old, and I was dancing like I was 20... Ya my uncle had me do a hip hop dance class, so I knew a thing or two...😅 I started to get dizzy so I say down. Everything went black for what seemed like a second, but apparently it was more. "Lacey! Lacey! Oh thank Irene you're awake!" I looked up and saw Melissa with a worried face that turned into a thankful one. "W-were did E-ein go?" I asked with my throat hurting. " he saw you starting to wake up and went to get you a water. Speaking of the devil" Melissa said as Ein basically ran back to us. "Lacey! Oh thank Irene you're alright!" Ein pulled me into a tight hug making it hard to breath. "Ein your squeezing her to death!" Melissa said slightly joking but manly worried. Ein let go and said sorry so much I couldn't count. "I-I'm fine, j-just got exhausted I-I guess." Ein handed me the water, and I just chugged it down. "How long was I out?" I asked looking at them. "About five or six minutes." Melissa said. "Lacey have eaten anything?" Ein asked. I shook my head 'No' "heh, I guess that on me, huh?" I said with slight laugh. Ein let out a sigh, and say next to me while putting an arm around me. "Lacey, I know you don't want to hear this, but we need to start heading home." Melissa said putting her phone back into her pocket. I could feel Ein give my shoulder a quick, but tight squeeze. "W-why?" I asked still a little out of breath. "Dad's going on a busses trip, and wants to make sure your home before he leaves." Melissa said looking down at the floor. I gave a slow nod, and gave Ein a hug. "see you on monday, alpha." Ein whispered in my ear. I have him a quick nuzzle on his neck while hugging him, and ran out the door for some reason about to cry. I ran until I got to the front of the woods. I stopped and starred into it. Melissa came behind me a couple minutes later. I felt something crawl down my cheek, and I noticed that I w-was crying. "What's wrong with me, Melissa?" I said and turns to face her, I noticed the shock and worry on her face what I asked that. "Lacey, theirs nothing wrong with you." Melissa went to hug me, but I just moved away.           "L-Lacey?" Melissa seemed to get more worried, and took a step back. 'look you even made you own cuz scared of you. Just face it Lacey your a monster!' I couldn't take it anymore! I turned around and ran through the woods, tears streaming down my cheeks. I kept running till I ran into something or more like someone. I fell back with a hard thud, and look up to see GENE!?

                                      😁 (!!!CLIFFHANGER!!!) 😁

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