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I was in a room, but I couldn't see anything. "Where the hell am I?" I mumbled standing up. I look around and see someone, but couldn't make out what they looked like. 'Should I talk to them' I thought. "Lacey?" That voice! The person gave a dark chuckle, and turned to face me. A light shined on the them, to reveal a man in a dark purple cloak with a gold trim, a-and gray snake like eyes. My eyes widen in fear. Yes I get scared what of it! "Wh-What are you doing here?! I thought my mom an-" "and the others got rid of me? Well, if it'll put you at more ease, I'm not physically here. This is all inside you head" He gave another chuckle "Well if this is all inside my head then I can get rid of you!" I yelled closing my eyes tied. I felt a hand on my shoulder an shot open my eyes "It's not going to be that easy and you know it. Not what would happen if this was all just a nightmare, and you woke up showing that little curse of yours, hmm?" All of a sudden I was in the bedroom and G-Gene was dead on the grown! I look into the mirror in front of me and see my eyes bright red! I fall to the grown my head in my hands shaking "no no no, NO! This in all a dream! This isn't happening!" I felt an hand on my shoulder and look up and see


H-His eyes where burning emerald green. And he had a knife in his hand. He raised it above his head. I tried to move but felt something tug onto me. I look to see chains made of magic holding me down. Ein plunged the knife into my gut. I wanted to scream but couldn't. The pain was it-it was to much. Everything went black. I felt the world start to shake, and I was somewhere else. The place was all white I saw a lady that looked liked my mom but with black wolf ears and tail, and armor of black and red. But her eyes, they were pure black except for her iris, they were blood red. She had fire around her and a sword of blood red and black. I look at were she was, and see something I thought I never would. A demon, a real demon. He had black skin and pure purple eyes glowing. "O̴h̵ ̶c̸o̸m̴e̷ ̵n̸o̷w̴,̸ ̶L̷a̴c̵e̴y̷.̷ ̴W̸e̴ ̷b̶o̷t̸h̷ ̵k̷n̵o̷w̴ ̷y̷o̵u̶ ̴w̷o̵n̷'̵t̸ ̶k̵i̵l̶l̶ ̶m̴e̶!̷ ̸N̸o̷t̴ ̴w̸h̵e̵n̵ ̵I̴ ̶h̵a̶v̸e̸ ̶h̷i̶m̴ ̶w̵i̴t̵h̶ ̷m̷e̸.̴" I look at the lady and see she look pissed out of her mind. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DIE! YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN THE NETHER!" She yelled. She ran to him, but everything went black before I could see what happened. "You spoiled my plans ones before, I'll make sure you don't do it again. Got it!" The man grabbed me by the chin before throwing me into a wall I didn't know was there. My head i-it-it hurts. "lac- lacey"

"LACEY!" I woke up screaming and look at around until my eyes landed on Gene. I thrower my arms around him and started to cry. Gene rubbed my back "Shhh, it's okay, it was just a nightmare" Gene said holding me close. "Felt m-more like a night terror" I said catching my breath. Gene gave a small chuckle and laid me down on his chest, and cuddled me close to him. "Thank you for staying with me" I said closing my eyes. Gene gave me a soft pet. I let out a shaky breath and cuddle a little closer. Gene gave me a small kiss on the top of my head and rubbed my back "Just get some sleep, pup" Gene whispered as I slowly fell asleep.

      Okay to all of you Kawaii~Chans! I really would like to see y'all send some fan art, so I can have a chapter of the charters reacting to them😊. I already have a couple, but there from one person...

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