Sleep over pt 2(short)

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     I guess I fell asleep because I opened my to see I was cuddled up next to Ein on his bed. I look to see he didn't have a shirt on!

    I fell off the bed and hit my head/ears on the floor. "Owww..." Ein got up and looked at me worried. "Are you okay!?" Ein through the blanket off of his and kneeled down next to me.  "Y-ya I-I'm fine..." I said avoiding eye contact with him. "No your not, you're as red as a cherry" He said laughing a bit. I just gestured to him being shirtless. "What? It got hot" he said simply. "Y-ya, but..." "But you woke up next to me?" I just gave a nod. I felt two hands on my cheeks and I look up two see Ein red, with sparkling eyes. "It was the best I ever tho" Ein said placing his forehead on mine. I closed my eyes and put my arms around his neck. "COME ON YOU TWO I HAVE TO TAKE LACEY HOME IN A HOUR!" Ein's mother yelled from down stairs. I guess you two are just not meant to be... What a shame. A voice rang in my head. I held my head in pain, but made it look like embarrassment so Ein didn't worry.

   Ein's mom took me home and Melissa asked a million questions at once. "Melissa I just came home! SHUUUUUSHHHHHH!" I said walking up to my room.

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