Cheering up the pup

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The entire chapter is in Gene's POV😁

Lacey called while I was at work. If it was anyone else I would have ignored, but not her... I pick it up "Lacey, I can't talk right now I'm at wor- are you crying?" I asked as I got a small sob in return... I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yo Trevor! I got to go deal with a crying teen mind if I take the day off?!" I yelled to my manager. At first he gave me this look, but clearly he could see I was worried. "Ya, It's slow today anyways" I gave a nod. "Don't worry I'll be over there in a bit, just stay calm and don't go into a panic attack..." I said and put my phone away after hanging up. I ran to my car and got in.

Once I got to the school. I parked my car and walked over to the front to see Lacey in a ball. Her ears flat on her head and her tail wrapped around her. I could tell she was still crying just by the one sob she gave... I sat down next to her. "Hey, pup" I said in a soft tone. She didn't respond, so I put my arm around her and pulled her close. "Hey, look at me" I said as I put both of my hands on her cheeks, having her look at me. A part of me regretted it... Her eyes were red and puffy, she's still had tears filed in her eyes, and her ears still lied flat on her head. I felt my hart sink a little seeing her like this... "You going to tell me what going on, or are you just going to cry?" I said as I smirked a little to lighten the mood. "C-can we talk at your house? I feel like someone might hear us out here" Lacey said. I helped me get up... More like I picked her up. "Come on, my mom finely gave me the other car" I said laughing a little. I saw a small smile sneak onto her face.

Time skip to after explaining what's going on...

Lacey calmed down, a bit... We were sitting in my room sitting on my bed. My mom was at work a d Dante's still at school. I held Lacey in my arms as she was curled up onto my chest. "Don't worry...maybe something happened and that's why he can't remember..." I said as I rubbed her back. She still had a couple tear coming out, as she cuddled closer to me. "If you scoot any closer, you'll be laying on me" I said with a small laugh. Lacey smiled and scooted closer so that way she was laying in my lap. "Really?" I said slightly annoyed. She giggled and closed her eyes while letting out a yawn. "Tired?" I asked, getting a nod in return. "Okay, well if you want to take a nap then..." I got up having Lacey sit there as I turned off the light. I took off my shirt and laid down. Lacey looked at me with a look. "But this isn't comfy" She wined pointing to her uniform. I got up with a groan, grabbed one of my shirts and sweatpants, and chucked them at her. They hit her in the face as she razed a middle finger at me. She grabbed them and went to the bathroom to change. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Lacey walked back in my room and shut the door. I opened my arm, and she gladly curled up into them. I pulled the covers over us, as Lacey rested her head and hand on my chest. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist and rested my other hand of her head, keeping her close to me. She fell asleep on me in a madder of seconds. I fell asleep half an hour later.

I woke up to the sound of my door opening. I opened my eyes to see Dante with this look... "What did you two do~" He whispered, obviously not wanting to wake Lacey 'cause he knows she'd beat the shit out of him. "Dante! Get the hell out of my room! We didn't do anything! Now go!" I whispered yelled at him. Dante left, but had a grin on his face. I let out an annoyed sigh. I felt Lacey move a little, and look down at her to see her looking up at me. "Your brother's an ass" She whispered and cuddled closer. Before I asked how she heard she twitched her ear. "Sorry" I said and gave her a gentle pet. Lacey gave a small sigh of relief. "Gene, do you think I could stay the night?" Lacey asked and looked up at me. I smiled "of course" I said and pulled her close. "I'm hungry" I look at Lacey to see her with a sheepish smile. "Really?" "What I did eat lunch!" She whispered yelled at me. I chuckled and sat up. Lacey rolled over and just laid there. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. "You going to get up?" I looked at Lacey to see her sitting like an anime girl...

I walked over to her and sat down

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I walked over to her and sat down. "You said you said you were hungry right? Well come on I'll take you out to eat" I knew she most likely went into a small state of depression, but she still lit up. "Can we got to Freddy's?" (don't judge the fandom crossover!) I just smiled and gave a nod. Lacey got up along with we, and walked down stairs. "We're going to Freddy Faz's Mom see you in a bit" I yelled heading out the door with Lacey.

Once we got there Lacey walked over to the pirate cove and and sat on the edge of the stage. I knew Foxy was her favorite because she could relate to him... "Lacey! They got some game now! Wanna play!?" I yelled. Lacey nodded and bye to Foxy as she headed over to me. We were playing for a while, till are food was done. We sat down at one of the booths, and grabbed a slice. "Lacey?" I called her name seeing her eyes start to tear up again. She looked up and wiped away hee tears. I got up and sat next to her, and held her in my arms, resting her head on my shoulder. "It's okay, Look you're making Foxy sad" I coed as I pointed to him. Lacey looked up and saw how he did look like he sad. The curtains closed, then I guy dressed like Foxy came buy. "Ay! Why the little lassy be cryin' for? Did he do this?" He said and pointed his hook to me. Lacey giggled "N-No captain he be alright" Lacey said in her pirate accent, which was perty darn good. The guy sat down in front of us. "Then what It'll be, if it he?" Fuck it I'm calling him Foxy! Lacey sat up and wiped away her tears "Well captain, It be a little bit of a boy problem..." He gave a nod for her to continue. "It'll be alright there laddy, ye can tell Captain Foxy" Lacey smiled a little. "A boy I knew when I was in Jr-high, and was best friends with, transferred to My school. And sense I'd be beta at me school I had to help show he around... But when he saw me today it was like he didn't even know who I was... When I'd asked if he knew who I'd be... He said no... I-I just don't get how he could forget me..." Lacey looked down a d cuddled up to me crying. "It be okay, mate. If he can't remember a lovely laddy such at yeself, then I'd make him walk the plank!" Foxy said with a grand jester making Lacey laugh a little. Before he walked away he whispered in my ear "ye be good to her, ye here?" then he just walked off. I smiled and held Lacey closer.

For the rest of the day we just stayed in my room playing games and eating Ice-cream after Lacey 'made' me get it. Then once it was 9:30 I told Lacey it's time to go to bed. "But I don't wanna!" Lacey wined. "I don't ether but I I've work tomorrow and you have school." Lacey let out a small growl but laid down in the bed. I laid down beside her after turning off the light. "Night, pup" I whispered as I felt her start to breath lighter.


And there we go another chapter done hoped you enjoined!

Next chapter: 1-10 days

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