A Visited From Uncle Guy

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   I up from the warmth of the bed to open the front door because someone knocked on it. I look out the window, before opening up the door, to see "UNCLE GUY!" I yelled happily slamming the door open and giving him a hug. "Well if it isn't my favorite niece!" He said hugging me back. I pulled back "I'm your only niece" I said letting him in. "Lacey, what's with all the yellin- Oh" Gene came out of the bed room in only shorts. Okay yes me and Gene shared the bed! But that was because I was feeling really bad about him sleeping on the couch for so long! "Gene, is that you?" Uncle guy clapped his hands together and gasped "After all these years has my Ship finely sail?!" He asked throwing his arms around me and Gene bring are faces close together. I blushes a little as I just see Gene smirk, but still look annoyed. I pulled out of my uncle's grip and waved my hands in front of my face "NO NO! It's not like that! Me and Gene are just close friends!" I yelled a blushing mess. Gene hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder "Oh come don't act like you don't want to be with me~" Gene purred. "Shut up" I growled. I hear the sound of a pitcher being taken and I shoot my head up to see Uncle Guy with his phone out. "UNCLE GUY!! YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" I yelled. Gene just nuzzled me. Push Gene off of me and look at Uncle guy "So, why did you come and visited me, and how did you know I was here?" I asked. "You know I'm subscribed to your youtube! And I just wanted time to spend with my niece!" He said with a closed eyes smile, but even though he looked happy I knew something was off. My ear fell a little "did your boyfriend break up with you?" I asked hugging him. He started to cry into my shoulder and hold onto me tight. "I'll go buy the Ice-cream" Gene said outing on a shirt and walking out of the house. I sit uncle guy on the sofa with me still holding him. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked rubbing his back. He gave a small nod and whipped his tears away. "I'll go get the tissues" I said and got up to grab them. I came back and put them on the coffee table. Uncle guy grabbed one and wiped his eyes. "How long have you've two been dating?" I asked "five months" he said sobbing a little. I gave guy another hug "It'll be okay, want to tell me what happened?" I asked. "I-I found him s-sleeping w-with someone else!" he cried more into my shoulder. I felt a bit of anger inside of me, but kept my cool and hugged him.

  After a couple minutes Gene came back with Ice-cream and a lot at that. "Why did you buy six tubs!" I asked getting up and walking into the kitchen. "Because I know what it's like to brake up with a boyfriend" Gene said. I looked at Gene a little shocked "Wait you're Bisexual!?" Gene just smirked "Like you're not" He shot back. He wasn't wrong. "What all did you get?" I asked looking though the bags. "What if it's a brake up, mite as well make it a party" Gene said holding up whipped-cream and sprinkles. "There's some more in the bag" He said setting the stuff down. Uncle Guy ran over to Gene a gave him a hug. It was kinda funny because Gene is taller then him. "Well if it's a 'party' then..." I snapped my fingers and started playing music.

   We ate Ice-cream and, well acted like fouls for the rest of the day. We had a lot of fun hanging out with my Uncle Guy. He ended up passing out on the couch, so I grabbed a blanket and laid it on him. Gene hugged me from behind and nuzzled me neck, I was to tiered to care. "How about we go to bed as well, hmm?" Gene asked nuzzling my neck a little more. I let a yawn and look at him with sleepy eyes "fine, but I get the left side of the bed" I said a walked into the bedroom.

   Okay so there are two reasons I did this chapters. I'll say the happy one first! Because it's Pride Month so yes Lacey is Bisexual like me if you didn't know that. Okay number two is that I just found out this morning that my Uncle's hart gave out last night, and I wanted to make a chapter to where Lacey was having a fun happy time with her's. Don't worry I'm fine. And if you read this thank you you are all amazing muffins and I love you all!

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