Werewolf games

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It's been like two weeks sense me and Aph got permission to do the werewolf games, and tomorrow is when it starts. I don't know all of the werewolves participating in it, but I know Blaze is and that Ein is helping us out. "Hey Lacey, me and Ein are going to the mall to hang out wanna come?" Aph asked. It was after school and I was working on the course the other werewolves get to run through. I put down my hammer and walked over to them. "Ya, are we meeting there?" "I mean... We probably should change and be able to cool off" Ein chuckled looking at me. His eyes widen a bit "Your bleeding!" Ein said pointing to my leg. I looked down and saw that there was a small blood trail down my leg. "I'll be fine, probably just scratched it on some wood" I said shrugging it off. "You sure, We can stop by the nurse to get yo-" "Aph, trust me if it was really that bad I would have notice it when I got it" Ein gave a nod. "Okay see you two at the mall, I gotta get home and change" I said and walked off hearing both of them yell bye.

I walked to the auditorium and see Aph and Ein already there. "Hey, guys!" I yelled getting there attention. They waved as I walked over. "Blaze and a two other werewolves should be coming in a bit" "Oh, so you did decide to ask them questions" "Yup" Aph replied. I gave a nod and set my bag down in the corner. "So, how long is 'a bit'?" "an hour" I look at Ein with a stern look then give a sigh. "All right then... What are we going to do now?"

We played small game of would you rather before blaze and the other two walked in. I'll be honest I have no clue who the other two were. "Beta!" Blaze ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug. "Blaze, I'm not a hugger" I growled and he let me go in a heart beat. I heard Ein give a chuckle and I shot a glare, it didn't keep him from laughing though.

Aph gave them all questions and they had to answer with the proper thing to do. I nearly lost my shit just by hearing how many times they said 'through them out a window' or 'punch them'... We were finally done and they all ran to the field to practice. Aph, Ein, and me were all heading out. "Meet you two on the field" Ein said and gave Aph a hug. He looked at me and hugged me "Ugh" "Don't act like you don't like it" He said then let go. I gave him a small glare but smiled. "See ya!" He yelled and ran off. Aph waved bye then left leaving me in the hallway with a familiar sent. I look over to see someone with a white jacket and... A bandanna... I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder "what are you doing here? Derek's going to kill you if he finds out" Aaron looked down at me, but didn't smile. He look over in the direction of were Ein ran off to... "Is, he?" "He's the omega... But he's been a lot of help to Me and Aph" Aaron gave a sad smile. "I just want her to be happy" I'd be lying if I said the way he was arcing didn't scare me, but I could understand were he was coming from. "Don't worry She perfectly fine, but I'm pretty sure she'd want to see you before you leave." Aaron gave a nod then looked back at me. "Sorry, for acting like you aren't here" he said then gave me a hug.  I hugged back "it's perfectly fine, I get it. Now go before you get in any trouble" I said a nudged me head. Aaron gave me a nod and walked off. That dumass is going to get in so much trouble if I wasn't here.

  I walked out to the field and watched everyone sitting in the stans. I looked closely and Saw Gene with Sasha and Zenix Waving at me. "Hey Aph, Mind if I...?" I trailed off and just pointed to them. Aph gave a nod and I ran off. "What up dick face?" "What up Bitch face" Me and Gene laughed at each other. "What are you doing here?" I asked sitting down next to him. He just shrugged and put an arm around me "Maybe I wanted to come see you" "Ya, maaaybe" "Shut it Sasha!" Gene snapped. Sasha just giggled. "What's going o-" "Don't worry about it" Gene said and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and let out a sigh. "You're such a child" I sigh resting my head on top of his. "I know you like it" I could feel Gene smirk while saying that. Sasha was just giggling "can it Sasha or I'll tell you're crush you like them!" Gene growled. Sasha went dead silent. I look down at Gene "who is it?" I whisper loud enough for him to hear. He leaned close to my ear "Zenix" He whispers. I give a giggle, look at Sasha sitting next to Zenix, and do a heart around both of them. Sasha's face goes red and she hides in her jacket. Me and Gene start laughing.

  "Attention everyone! Thank you for coming, even though you didn't have to..........blah........
......blah.......blah blah........With that said let the werewolf games began!" Ya I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying, manly because Gene kept nuzzling into my neck. "Gene, fucking stop" "Nah" Gene said and pressed his lips on my neck. Not kissing me just resting his lips there. I gave a sigh of defeat, and just sat there. Gene chuckled and moved his head, and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're going to make people think we're dating. Stop it" I look at Gene with a small glare, only to see him with a smirk. "Asshat" "funny you mention that. Look what I found while I was at work" Gene goes into his bag and pulls out a hat "I'm an Ass" I read off of the hat... "Oh my Irene, you actually got that?" Gene smiled seeming proud and put the hat on.

  The werewolf games were done, but then the werewolf teacher came out and yelled "EIN HAS BEEN NAMED ALPHA, BY THE PAST ONE!" My eyes widen and I stood from what I heard. Aaron made Ein Alpha!?! I mean yes Ein is a good friend, but he's not Alpha material. I saw Aph run off towards the school my guess to look for Aaron. I felt pulled on my arm, I look down to see Gene "you okay?" "I'm not sure... Ein's a good friend, but alpha... That's not exactly up his ally..." I said with a bit of concern. "I gotta go" Gene gave me a nod and let go of me, but I knew he'd ask me about it later.

  I ran off down to Ein and gave him a smile before I ran off again. I ran all the way back home before feeling a wave of- I can't even describe it, but it wasn't good. I started to feel I don't know sick? Sad? I couldn't tell, all I wanted to do was lay in bed.

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